Example sentences of "[adv] seem [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many books published in the last decade or so seem to underline the importance of ‘ anticipatory grieving ’ , with the result that relatives and friends can be forced into expressing emotion they may not yet be ready to express .
2 It shines out like a beacon in the finished job despite all efforts to disguise it , ( efforts which only seem to make the fault worse ) .
3 The vegetables braising in the curry suddenly seem to represent the sum of the decisions I have made , and they look insignificant in comparison .
4 You just seem to do the job well while the boss 's eye is on you , but you do n't really care about genuine quality in what you do .
5 to year eleven , but I just seem to get the feeling that we , we
6 Whenever articles are written or programmes broadcast about consumer rights , they always seem to put the trader into the ‘ bad boy ’ box .
7 THE wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde always seem to stand the test of time .
8 I always seem to recall the women up to their elbows in freezing cold water washing .
9 The quartets are well worth getting to know and the performances by the Fitzwilliam Quartet , despite being 15 years old , still seem to reach the heart of the composer 's intentions .
10 Eurocentrism seems however much less excusable in the work of modern historians who , following in Marx 's and Engels 's footsteps , still seem to consider the examples they used sufficient to generalize about human history ( Anderson , 1974 ) .
11 ‘ Farmers still seem to regard the fertiliser value of slurry as an unquantifiable bonus though , ’ he says .
12 The sooty terns of the tropical Ascension Islands also seem to use the moon to synchronise breeding for they all return to the islands to nest every tenth lunar month .
13 This may be a reasonable philosophical argument when we are thinking in brief human terms , but the stratigraphical record and I both seem to prefer the doctrine of Thomas Osbert Mordaunt : " One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name " .
14 But these issues , which so often seem to dominate the debate in Scotland at party political level , are frankly of little moment to the electorate at large .
15 Indeed , discussions of this aspect often seem to consider the function of health services to be to compensate for deprivation itself rather than for its health damaging effects .
16 It is dispiriting that few people now seem to comprehend the subtleties of English grammar , and even more dispiriting that the ignorant should presume , publicly and erroneously , to correct the well informed .
17 But , after a public meeting , the Muslim community 's spokesman Dr Hanif Mohammed said : ‘ The people now seem to understand the washroom we have built is just used to symbolically wash the bodies .
18 Sexual scents even seem to influence the cycles of those mammals which try hardest to suppress their odours — us .
19 Sometimes they even seem to provoke the trigger actions deliberately .
20 Both texts then seem to abandon the question of what Matroc 's competitors do and move on to consider the types of customer in the market place and whether the brochure would be of any value to them .
21 Around this linear framework is built up a complex system of open and interacting planes , which sometimes seem to represent the forms of the body but which are often quite arbitrary compositional elements .
22 ‘ They never seem to get the people who commit the most terrifying crimes .
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