Example sentences of "[adv] try and [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
2 and they , the first prize is a thousand pounds cash , second prize family holiday cottage in the Isle of Mule and third prize holiday cottage in Norfolk and fourth prize holiday apartment in Cumbria and the , I mean the idea is you take a book and try , if you have a place of work or , or friends that will buy raffle tickets er just try and sell them and er , how much are they ? er
3 This is what pisses me off so often you know , things like the halls of residence and stuff are there to help the students and they do n't , they just try and rip them off for every cent they can do it for .
4 As Theresa says , we usually try and censor them , try and say no , you know , leave that out , erm , it 's as if you had a kind of er censor sitting in your mind telling me , er telling you telling you er er , but it works with me too , erm what you can and can not say .
5 But then again yo you 're you 're advised against going over the speed limit that most people do , I do I I tell yo like I said I 'm not a saint cos like a couple of times when I was first driving , especially in my fucking sprint cos it was a quick car I used to drive up people 's arses and wait until I could overtake them and if they did slow down that used to incense me and I 'd fucking , I 'd go right up there arse and then probably try and cut them up when I went , overtook them and I s fucking learnt , I got a I had a couple of close calls like , people are slamming brakes on and stuff
6 I used to go to him and say , ‘ Bill , please try and get them to do this ’ , and he did fight for me quite a lot , but it was an uphill struggle all the way .
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