Example sentences of "[adv] teachers and [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Brown and Levinson 's notion of a universal cause behind conversational principles may help both teachers and learners to approach this difficult problem more successfully .
2 Both teachers and learners adopt roles in the classroom .
3 Both teachers and learners need these ‘ snapshots ’ to stimulate , interest , excite and challenge .
4 A national curriculum , they add , will allow children to move schools without utterly disrupting their education ; and objective assessment will enable both teachers and parents to see how well a child is doing .
5 Your article on British education reforms ( April 10th ) says that objective assessment ‘ allows both teachers and parents to see how well a child is doing ’ .
6 Increasing dissatisfaction among both teachers and students led them frequently to ask the question , ‘ Why study at all ? ’ , with some justification .
7 Both teachers and entrepreneurs have to speculate about the impact of microprocessors on society .
8 As the evaluation of both the Major and Minor Projects shows , teachers in project schools did argue with force that the use made of the library by both teachers and pupils had increased in volume and changed in kind .
9 The Kingman Committee had to pay considerable attention to what both teachers and pupils need to know .
10 Education : Pupil pioneers enter the land of uncertainty : Five weeks into the new national curriculum , both teachers and pupils find they need further enlightenment .
11 We could not provide a grammatical description of the English language , for that was beyond our scope , but we wanted everyone to realise what kind of grammar is appropriate for both teachers and pupils to understand .
12 As a child it had been embarrassing and as both teachers and playmates had looked askance at the familiarity she 'd reverted to the ubiquitous ‘ Mum ’ in their presence , but woe betide her if she had lapsed into this form of address in Margaret 's presence !
13 So often teachers and parents set limits .
14 Now teachers and parents have got together to start a toy library for blind and partially sighted children .
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