Example sentences of "[adv] need [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Donors will obviously need to be sure that environmental aid is administered efficiently and spent according to agreed priorities .
2 The police have n't been able to trace her and we shall have to arrange an inquest — and of course the funeral , which she will naturally need to be concerned with . ’
3 Nicky 's conversion to Christianity shows that we do n't necessarily need to be clever and learned to find God — religion is not like finding out about astronomy or physics .
4 The intention of the Merger Regulation was to introduce a ‘ one-stop , merger control , described by Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan as a ‘ system whereby , in the case of smaller mergers , they would be subject only to national regulation … while in the case of the really large mergers which have implications for the whole Community , the European Commission would have the power to intervene , and companies would not normally need to be concerned about the national regulatory authorities ’ .
5 I mean it 's been a helpful conversation , erm you know I 'm not s I you know you persuaded me , rightly or wrongly , that it 's not that much of an issue in in our fellowship , but it 's something that we do always need to be aware of .
6 Treatment sessions do not usually need to be longer than 1 hour .
7 The change-manager will no doubt contemplate the required strategy before releasing his ( or her ) proposals , just as Quinn would suggest , but he will still need to be adept at riding the waves of change .
8 Thus : ( 1 ) the said Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( which is summarised in Chapter 12 ) was introduced in 1988 , revised in 1990 , and covers the whole field ; from the general ( solicitors may hold themselves out to be good , but not to be better than the other firm down the road ; publicity must be accurate and not mislead ; a solicitor 's advertisement must identify the solicitor by name ) to the particular ( the correct designation of a solicitor 's practice , entries in legal directories , addresses to the Court and the use of the legal aid logo ) ; ( 2 ) the Law Society 's code incorporates by reference the provisions of the British Code of Advertising Practice which in its own way requires publicity material to be honest , truthful and decent , unambiguous and responsible , and contains a separate section relating to the advertising of financial services and products ; ( 3 ) the Financial Services ( Conduct of Business ) Rules 1987 also cover the advertising of financial services and products and will need to be studied by any firm carrying on investment business ; ( 4 ) solicitors will also need to be familiar with the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1989 and other secondary legislation in that connection , the whole corpus replete with the jargon unique to that area of law ; ( 5 ) the Business Names Act 1985 , which has already been referred to in Chapter 1 , requires revision of a firm 's letterheading every time there is a change in the identity of the partners , which will include any occasion when a salaried partner whose name has previously been shown " below the line " is promoted .
9 There would also need to be higher rates of tax built on top of this sum .
10 The terms and conditions inserted in this layout will also need to be uniform for each type of bill or related electronic message .
11 Well obviously Miss the magistrates will need to be satisfied there are grounds why they should bind him over they will also need to be satisfied that there is a fear for the future otherwise they will not bind him over .
12 They will also need to be satisfied that there is a fear for the future otherwise they will not bind him over .
13 It will also need to be aware that concerns such as these expose a major limitation of the school-controlled model of INSET which Leeds , in common with other LEAs , has adopted , and which is reinforced by current government funding arrangements and LMS .
14 This search for increased value would probably need to be subject to constraints reflecting ‘ soft rationing ’ and the need for balanced growth , which are already implicit within strategic portfolio analysis .
15 Dr Pentreath said there would now need to be two registers , each containing data derived from two organisations thus confusing the public and independent groups and undermining public confidence .
16 Therefore there needs to be a period to allow exploration of satisfactory forms of internal work organisation when new technology is introduced , and this period may well need to be longer than that usually allowed for new skills acquisition .
17 NCM will simply need to be satisfied that the debt is valid through the provision of invoices , delivery notes , bills of lading etc .
18 We do not even need to be able to measure the somewhat esoteric concept of surplus , since it is always a one-way reduction .
19 A blank cassette — and maybe a spare — is an obvious essential ( a ) , and you will certainly need to be able to recharge your camcorder battery as you go along , so do n't forget to take your battery charger ( b ) with you .
20 These rigorous tests mean that the Court of Appeal hears fresh evidence only rarely ; it will certainly need to be satisfied that the appeal is not being used merely as an attempt to argue the case in a different way .
21 You would therefore need to be able to buy the Metro for about £5,200 cash or less to be better off financing the deal yourself .
22 Management will therefore need to be able to have sufficient information to present an accurate account to the media .
23 However there is still a need for caution ; undertakings can not rely on the Commission adopting a rule of reason approach in every case and would therefore need to be prepared to appeal to the Court .
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