Example sentences of "[adv] longer [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 We can no longer assume that the only proper music in church is that which is commonly called ‘ traditional ’ .
2 There is , however , an alternative approach based on the development of a new understanding of law , which no longer assumes that the legal system is uniform but realises that law is linked into complex processes of communication between and within different sub-systems of society , which in turn form and influence the substance of a particular segment of law .
3 Further American aid was offered , although the US Treasury no longer believed that the United States alone could find the resources to remedy Britain 's problems .
4 The international community could no longer hope that the reasons for war would fade away .
5 Military intervention in Germany would be a disaster for the Russians , so it is no longer clear that the threat of this will continue to be a bar to German self-determination .
6 It was hard to adjust to a normal life ; to no longer fearing that the door would suddenly be opened and somebody would come to take us away ; to the thought that there might soon be more food ; and that we might be able to travel further afield than Parma or even Trieste .
7 Thus ministers no longer feel that the doctrine exposes them to special risks in the House but , by confining all the advice of the departments to ministers , it does ensure that they are so much better informed and briefed than their critics .
8 we must no longer say that the self perceives , thinks , or loves , or that it has a perception or thought or an emotion .
9 That I no longer believe that the government has a majority for this measure .
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