Example sentences of "[adv] put [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You 're not now , oh right okay that 's fine , the er , what I want you to do instead of writing , I mean two hundred words is , is probably feel nothing , but in fact because we want er it to be absolutely right , what I 'd like you to do this time is just write an appraisal , the contents thing er that we had last time we had if you like , content and appraisal and audience , but audience was only er , a sentence or two , I 'd simply like a , an appraisal , what your view of this is , if you 're writing that part of the review , so we 're only thinking in terms of a hundred words now , er what I 'd like you to do is to distribute yourselves over the laboratory , erm go wherever you want but do n't start talking with people , it 's not the , not the Cribben thing I just want to get on with the exercise that I 'm concerned with and write your appraisal , but obviously put your name on it and er if we meet back here thirty five minutes is that long enough for under a hundred words of excellent quality ?
2 So put your cursor on the I .
3 You see , Neil 's already put his side about , we worked er how can you hold us responsible for them being late in when
4 Just , we just put our sign across it
5 on top of the telly , and say just put your foot on here a minute , now , they look quite thin now , but , that 's what I was looking at , yeah , cos her feet are fat , yeah , but they , that do like that do n't they ?
6 Now that 's the big stretched can you , if you just put your finger on there you 'll see how sticky it is , can you feel it 's warm and sticky and
7 It 's there you are you just put your finger in there a
8 it 's me wire you 've got caught in nearly now then I just put me lipstick on
9 He 'd always got , he always put his hand in his pocket wou could n't he ?
10 Always put my mouth in it .
11 Sit still lovey , come on get your hands out , now put your bottom in the seat properly , so I can do this , there we are .
12 now put your filter in , it just it lids your bag but your bag splits because there 's no room for your bag .
13 and then put your thing on there and it should be just the case of turning it off
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