Example sentences of "[adv] clearly that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The view expressed by health economists such as Alan Maynard is still one which is rarely articulated quite so starkly : ‘ We have to demonstrate much more clearly that the spending involved in care for elderly people is spending which is efficient .
2 Whatever view is taken of this analysis , and it will be discussed more fully below , it seems to state quite clearly that the determination of sex is a matter for lawyers and courts ; that the law , in other words , must establish methods for determining sex which may or may not correspond to medical opinion .
3 The first author shows quite clearly that the idea of inference or mental perception is connected to an impression of " afterness " or subsequence , as are all the other uses with to which we have seen up to this point .
4 Those members of MI5 who have written or spoken publicly about their work say quite clearly that the directive is consistently and deliberately ignored .
5 Experiments in tanks with carp and other species have shown quite clearly that the food must be palatable .
6 The survey figures also suggest very clearly that the lack of really severe cold in any winter since has enabled many resident birds to maintain increased populations in woodland , although this may not be so in other habitats .
7 Much of the outreach work done by CABx demonstrates very clearly that the CAB no longer matches its one-time image as a referral agency .
8 They show very clearly that the Government are ensuring that , while we may reduce the personnel numbers in our armed forces , we are increasing the relative proportion of funds spent on their equipment to ensure that in the future they have the equipment that they need to perform the tasks that we set them .
9 The terms of reference for this review stated very clearly that the extent of resources being made available for community care was not being questioned .
10 Nevertheless , she had to negotiate very clearly that the research would be done on sociological terms .
11 Jessamy found herself staring at the powerful set of his shoulders , and remembered all too clearly that the aura of power was n't just an illusion .
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