Example sentences of "[adv] upon [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It does this because it shows how if we start from our own case alone , and concentrate entirely upon a conception of mental states which is independent of behaviour , we can not move from our conception of ourselves as subjects of experience to a conception of other subjects .
2 And this too is why the word can even be extended to all those who rely entirely upon the mercy of God — the poor in spirit ’ ( Matt.
3 The claim to legitimacy of particular possession is based entirely upon the institutionalization of rights .
4 Traditionally , supply debates were the occasion for a grand attack by opposition parties upon government policy in general and not merely upon the arithmetic of the estimates .
5 So it could in theory , but I can not conceive of a case where a doctor , faced with the refusal of a mentally competent 16-year-old to having an abortion , would terminate the pregnancy merely upon the consent of the girl 's parents .
6 The workers ' control of industry would follow naturally upon the realisation of their industrial and political power .
7 Comment centred upon being taken ‘ through into the picture ’ , upon its structure and organization and especially upon the interaction of colours and paint qualities .
8 The ecumenical movement has reversed three centuries of division which began with the failure of the Savoy Conference in 1661 and the imposition of the Act of Uniformity , Today , Holy Communion is celebrated more frequently and with a set liturgy , often in an ‘ Anglican ’ way ; set prayers are common and sometimes take a responsory form ; the increasing use of a lectionary means that the choice of readings depends less upon the whim of the preacher and more upon an ordered scheme .
9 The political and moral education of the boy and apprentice knight depended less upon the teaching of the church than upon the chansons de geste sung by minstrels .
10 The emphasis here is rather less upon the calculation of personal advantage , and rather more on the kin group as a co-operative unit , taking collective decisions which are to the advantage of all .
11 The quality — or modality — of the experience depends less upon the quality of energy reaching the nervous system than upon which parts of the sensory system are activated : stimulation of the retinal receptors causes an experience of light ; stimulation of the receptors in the inner ear gives rise to the experience of sound ; and so on .
12 In turn , discussion on this topic often focuses less upon the effect of property relations today than on the links established between property as an institution and Locke 's concepts of individuality and natural rights , and , in turn , Marx 's critique of private property .
13 The " OCCI boom " ( Optical Coincidence Co-ordinate Indexing ) spreading through school resources centres in the early 19705 was not , however , based only upon a misunderstanding about media formats , although there was evidence of a considerable confusion about general principles of information retrieval ; what teachers in particular were signalling ( as I explained in Organizing resources ) was great dissatisfaction with the effectiveness of conventional catalogues in practice .
14 At the heart of the real-balance effect lies the hypothesis that desired consumption expenditure depends not only upon the level of income and the rate of interest but also upon the real net worth of the private sector : that is where is the nominal value of private sector net worth deflated by the price level .
15 Membership is therefore free , and dependent only upon the requirement of regular registration .
16 Even these can be criticized only upon the basis of other assumptions .
17 Do these words mean that judges can be dismissed by the Crown only upon an Address of both Houses ( with a direction to the Houses that they are not to present an Address unless the judge has misbehaved himself ) ?
18 However , he does use his recollection of the journey over Ratagan , his eyes filled with mountains , to reflect in the Journey generally upon the condition of remoteness as it affects human beings , and thereby touches the core of his reasons for travelling .
19 There were tribunals which had jurisdiction if a certain state of facts existed but not otherwise ; it was not then for the inferior tribunal to determine conclusively upon the existence of such facts .
20 The priest was dying with a last Gloria on his lips , and Harry , carried away upon a tide of hatred for all things Spanish and all things Catholic , had already sunk the blade into the back of the young hidalgo .
21 Rigorously , the probability for a word to be produced should depend conditionally upon the whole of the previous word sequence .
22 Such studies depend critically upon a knowledge of the total baseline flora in particular environments .
23 It is assumed that the purposeful provision of facilities , or the success of intervention strategies to encourage fuller use of available resources , depends critically upon an account of adolescents ' reasoning about leisure .
24 The use of contract armies to fight the war depended , of course , not just upon the readiness of men to serve but also upon the willingness of parliament to vote taxes to pay for the war .
25 This could be summed up by saying that responsible government depends largely upon the existence of , and free competition between , political parties .
26 In the industrial type of society there is , according to Spencer , a tendency for central regulation and coercive control to decline and to be replaced by representative institutions and a more diffuse system of regulation ; but this view is then qualified in various ways , and Spencer finally concludes that representative government depends largely upon the existence of a particular type of economy the laissez-faire free-enterprise economy — which creates the conditions in which ‘ multitudinous objects are achieved by spontaneously evolved combinations of citizens governed representatively ’ .
27 The criminal law may depend less upon one monolithic principle and more upon a synthesis of conflicting principles .
28 Within seven years all his sons were dead too , and the West Saxon dynasty , in the person of Edward the Confessor , sat once more upon the throne of England .
29 The use that is made of it , however , depends more upon the decision of the individual than upon the expectations of the Church .
30 This was a prevalent interpretation within the EEC , and one which was reinforced by the tone of the debate in the British House of Commons upon the Stockholm Convention , in which most speakers concentrated more upon the relationship with the EEC than upon the organisation and aims of EFTA .
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