Example sentences of "[adv] ca [not/n't] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 cos it 's all concrete floors and of course it 's inside ca n't even nail the carpet down , you have to get er sticky stuff .
2 He says that he 's fed up of going round in circles — how can he make a fresh start when he ca n't get a grant for clothing , and so ca n't then tunr up for job interviews ?
3 I just ca n't fucking swear
4 I just ca n't somehow seem to … to take it all in , ’ she gasped , the magnitude of the disastrous tragedy suddenly beginning to penetrate her stunned mind .
5 ‘ I think they just ca n't really think about anything else . ’
6 Erm they 're the they 're there for a purpose and their size is there for a purpose in terms of er of the constrictions of the other road er sizing or whatever , and obviously huge vehicles who just ca n't possibly manoeuvre without going over .
7 In her manifesto , prime mover Jill Greenhalgh wrote : ‘ There 's something new and vital and female that is lying latent and untapped , trapped under thousands of years of patriarchal art , and you just ca n't quite grasp it . ’
8 ‘ You just ca n't ever admit you might be wrong , can you ?
9 I still ca n't really believe everything that 's happened . ’
10 And if you still ca n't quite see him , and this is not your ideal Boy at all , then I 'm sorry .
11 I still ca n't quite believe how successful Neighbours has become — particularly as the Beeb originally bought it on the cheap just to fill part of their new ‘ Daytime ’ schedule .
12 ‘ I still ca n't quite believe it . ’
13 I still ca n't quite work out how this all adds up . ’
14 I was on there were n't I one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , I still ca n't bloody buy , and I need er thousand pounds please Shell
15 She does n't know the meaning of the word discretion — probably ca n't even spell it .
16 They never see the sun , never have a chance to socialise or act out many of their most basic instincts and often ca n't even turn around in their pens .
17 Excellent so you 've already got percentages sorted out there , can we just look at the next block of words , and hello , hello , right , no , yeah well I , yes I I think it all went great , unfortunately erm , so I really ca n't really consider on , on that .
18 " I really ca n't quite decide , " she said .
19 Yeah because the other thing is that although erm you might have all these sort of high flying ideas about what you wan na do and you do n't actually feel tied down by a relationship , actually you do live your life thinking well ca n't really do that because I wan na be with him .
20 And there was a song I ca n't quite Ca n't quite remember it now .
21 ‘ I actually adored it , ’ she said to Adam , ‘ only I 'd promised myself I 'd go to Greece these holidays and I absolutely ca n't not go now . ’
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