Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] give [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Culture is an integrated system of beliefs ( about God or reality or ultimate meanings ) , of values ( about what is true , good , beautiful and normative ) , of customs ( how to behave , relate to others , talk , pray , dress , work , trade , farm , eat , etc. ) , and of institutions which express these beliefs , values and customs ( government , law courts , temples or churches , family , school , hospitals , factories , shops , unions , clubs , etc. ) , which bind a society together and give it a sense of identity , dignity , security , and continuity . ’
2 Now you can , those are both the same sides so you 're gon na en add them together and give it the sign that is common to both .
3 To break contact , move your hands close together again , slide them away and give them a good shake to remove any tingling ( or even tension ) picked up from your partner .
4 That would take the smile off their faces all right and give them a few seconds relief .
5 We are planning to get another newsletter out before the next one to give you all the details but if you want to know how to label the stuff before than give me a ring
6 He managed to open his eyes now and give her a wan smile .
7 If you have to go home now , and I wish you would n't , then call me tomorrow and give me a date .
8 I 've been there before and played well , and Dunwell , Withall ; there 's no reason why not and then bring Port Vale back here and give them a good — they 're a good side Port Vale , they 've done exceptionally well .
9 ‘ Tell you what , ’ said Mrs Tilling in a warmer tone , ‘ I 'll come up here and give you a hand turning out before Christmas .
10 Come here and give us a kiss ! ’
11 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
12 Perhaps Otley could step in there and give me a chance to get to know Mistress Wordsworth .
13 That 'll be in there and give him a bit of encouragement .
14 So I 'll bring that list in for you to have a look at , and you might spot your own society in there and give them a ring and see what they , they 've got on offer .
15 Get out there and give it a jolly good rogering .
16 We 're all going to go out there and give it a billion per cent every night .
17 I 've never seen the sort of breathtaking squalor I witnessed there but give them a day when their neighbourhood is shown to be worth the world running through it , gratefully accepting water and candy from them at the roadside , and it 's amazing the way mutual mistrust can disappear .
18 Ah I think it 's just erm y'know kind of erm type them out neatly and give them a go really erm
19 A well-informed horseman simply had to grasp the horse 's head firmly and give it a sharp turn and back him out of the area that had been contaminated by the jading substance .
20 One of two things happen he 'll ei he 'll either say yeah , okay and give you the number or what might happen ?
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