Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [be] looking " in BNC.

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1 After a long while , he smiled against her mouth , then drew back just enough so he was looking into her eyes .
2 get a basket and we , I 'm gon na get a lot of sweets , get a basket and put everything inside and I 'm looking at
3 However , latest th er Microfit not only gives you the test statistic but gives you erm the significance level , probability value er which erm that test statistic is significantly different from zero right so if we are looking at that serial correlation test statistic of two point zero eight right we would accept the null hypothesis of er no serial correlation , right , or would n't be able to reject it strictly .
4 Okay , now that result holds , right , for all erm for all marginal relationships Okay , so if we are looking at a marginal marginal cost curve , right , we have got that 's our marginal cost , that 's our average cost we , we 're intersecting here when in the case it is a minimum so marginal costs cuts through average costs at its minimum value we are looking at average revenue and marginal revenue average revenue function marginal revenue function This is our total revenue function and the same relationship is embodied there , but , notice that between the average and the average revenue and marginal revenue functions , right , do n't intersect simply because we have got a linear relationship here right , average revenue is always above marginal revenue in this particular case .
5 Right so if we 're looking at what what are they they asking for here ?
6 So if we 're looking at that being the week ending oh sorry week commencing thirty first of January is next week all right ?
7 I 've got better copies of the blank B one , but the handout is getting rather Right so if we 're looking at , we 'll complete the B one .
8 So if we were looking at somebody who was thirty four next birthday , and a non-smoker , which was where we started today , thirty four next birthday , non-smoker , let's have a female this time .
9 So if yours is looking poorly , hack it out and replace it .
10 Crowds generally thin out around the Isle of Dogs loop between 15 and 19 miles , so if you 're looking to get rid of the rest of the watching population , head for Canary Wharf , the complex will be open on the day to spectators .
11 So if you 're looking at a touring holiday in Europe it 's wanderlust probably , and if it 's an , a coach tour round Europe it 's almost certain to be psychocentric .
12 So if you 're looking in the grade four book put down page four , exercise one .
13 Erm , so if you 're looking for advice , independent financial advisers .
14 So if you 're looking for something , bit of a pain having to wade through half a dozen pages , if you can go to the index and then jump directly to the relevant page , and then save you a bit of time .
15 So if you were looking after your horse say , you do n't want no holidays .
16 As for happy hours , I 'd say that 50% of pubs in Leeds have a happy hour at least once a day so if you were looking for something to celebrate each and every day then this might come up ( along with the anniversary of the death of the guy who drove the stephenson steam train on it 's maiden journey , and the all too sad occasion of the 7th anniversary of the cat that lived 4 doors down that was callously knocked over by the no. 40 bus )
17 Quantitative information on the British scene is hard to come by , especially if you are looking for detail on a national , ‘ transdisciplinary ’ or ‘ transministry ’ basis .
18 At £49.95 , it 's affordable for the one-off job ( it could easily save you that in architect 's fees alone if you 're looking at an extension ) , and it does n't require a mega-PC to run it .
19 He recognized the man only because he was looking for him .
20 That 's only because you 're looking at it in a very short- term perspective , they , the way they saw the communist revolution was by a very long drawn out process and so it was n't that the revolution had just created this was , this was an important step in order to lead to their ultimate goal .
21 So while he 's looking for you somebody could run out and kick the tin , there you go and fetch him , and if he 'd caught anybody and when you kicked that tin the other , well you could all go and hide .
22 I wondered what he was up to when I spotted him coming back inside while I was looking for you . ’
23 So long as I was looking for someone who might want to murder Michael Banks , I was getting nowhere .
24 So when you 're looking at a file on the screen , what you 're looking at is the file as it is in the , in the memory of the computer , and if you change your spreadsheet , then all you 're doing is changing what 's in the memory .
25 She 's stopped outside and she 's looking at it .
26 Just because you 're looking for win win relationships all the time that does n't mean that you 're gon na get walked over all the time because by being assertive and by this is this is really what I want , what is it that you want and looking , listening to the other person 's point of view as well as making sure your point of view goes across as well somewhere , somewhere in all of that through all this down here , there 's a way of finding something for both people .
27 In fact , barn owls are reckoned to be one of the hardest breeds to hand-rear and train , and they are n't recommended for beginners — though I did n't know that then , What I did know was that I 'd probably lost the battle with this owl before I 'd started : I suspected he would be impossible to train , but I was so hooked on the idea of having my own bird that I could hardly drag myself away when I was looking at him .
28 And as they prepare for first division football he 's relishing another challenge , just as he 's looking forward to renewing acquaintances with certain Meath players today .
29 A personal recommendation is best when you are looking for a trainer , but try your local gym , health club or leisure centre and do ask about qualifications .
30 Cos one of the things that I said , you know , just when I was looking through the last five or six months is that it did seem er , to be inconsistent in terms of certain areas like the first floor , there 's an awful lot of reporting going on but , there was very little from the other , from the other areas .
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