Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] live [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The honeybees have taken this basic arrangement and elaborated it to an extreme degree so that they live in colonies of many thousands .
2 To set up such a tank containing only the larger species so that they live in a harmonious group requires careful thought .
3 Er at present I get sixty one pound a week old age pension , I 've a works pension of about twenty some pound a week , so that I live on eighty pound a week .
4 It is only that I live in Dresden and that I fight like this that keeps me sane .
5 Perhaps if I lived in Bath I would have momentary doubts , but anywhere else in the country , I would rather die than not vote Labour .
6 The poor astronaut who falls into a black hole will still come to a sticky end ; only if he lived in imaginary time would he encounter no singularities .
7 One smoke alarm may be enough if you live in a mobile home or a small bungalow .
8 In the nineteenth century men began to regard these phenomena with more composure , especially if they lived in northern climes where the earth 's crust was relatively secure .
9 Billing people can be difficult , especially if they live in flats .
10 Erm , but you see the point I am making , the idea is that er religion appeals to people , because they , they see the in injustices of the world , erm , you know if er , er , injustice is an , is an inevitable , erm , experience , erm , some of us erm , might be inclined to think especially if you live under the British system of er criminal justice , and so if you ca n't get justice here , perhaps you can after death , because god is ultimately just , and no mistakes will be made in heaven , as it were .
11 Nothing you do goes unnoticed , especially if you live in a big house , as Jane discovered to her cost .
12 Whenever possible ( especially if you live in a large town or city ) , visit the seaside and breathe in the bracing sea air .
13 There 's no reason why you should n't use individual heating appliances if it suits you better , especially if you live in a flat , or if there is no one at home in the day .
14 The chances are that you will save money with a water meter especially if you live in a house with a high rateable value — and should repay the costs of installation within two years .
15 Let us know your opinion , especially if you live near the Central Wales Line and are affected by this change .
16 We live in the kitchen together and I live in my studio alone .
17 If we may find this incongruous , that is only because we live in an age of collapsed hierarchies in which painters and sculptors are liable to be more highly regarded than their patrons or even their sitters .
18 Sometimes it is just a matter of taking a message ; at others ( especially when we lived near a place that gave over-night accommodation to tramps ) it has involved talking — or more often listening — to them .
19 Many of us are cut off from the natural Earth currents , especially when we live in cities .
20 Have the bed moved downstairs if you live in a house and , if you do not have a downstairs toilet , contact the Red Cross and arrange for the loan of a commode .
21 People are not benighted and narrow and dogmatic just because they live in the Outer Hebrides or Gedney Drove End .
22 Ah ha , you say — that 's just because she lives in the country now .
23 The weather , and I like entertaining , I could n't do any when I lived with my Mum-in-law … .
24 ' However eager sceptical Victorians might be to replace the superstitious world of their forefathers with a structure that seemed to them more solid and more rational , the alternative , namely that they lived in a meaningless world of chance , was repellent to many of them .
25 Clarkson and Wilberforce , partly because they lived for so long , frequently sent off autographs with motto attached and Clarkson received and met requests for locks of his thinning hair .
26 The Government has argued for some time now that we live in a parliamentary democracy and that all decisions on behalf of the people will be made by Parliament .
27 She complained of too little to do now that she lived in the village as companion to an elderly lady .
28 But she knew now that he lived in a state near total despair , his life so meaningless he did n't know how to live it , his one certainty that he had to find Jake and Fincara .
29 Moore is also the man who holds fixedly to the belief that it is solely because he lives in a Labour borough that his pavements have broken and cracked paving-stones .
30 Now when we lived at Tunstead [ near Wroxham , Norfolk ] they used to plough with bullocks there .
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