Example sentences of "[adv] [be] found in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LTP has since been found in all excitatory pathways in the hippocampus , as well as in several other regions in the brain , and there is growing evidence that it underlies at least certain forms of memory .
2 China and Taiwan claimed to have ended the trade in rhino and tiger products earlier this year , but stockpiles have since been found in both countries .
3 The real secret of masonry had been lost , he wrote , and could now only be found in other organisations faithful to the Ancient Mysteries .
4 Healthy and happy Koi will only be found in perfect water conditions .
5 Local food is an equally important subject , especially the ‘ local speciality which can only be found in this charming , family-run restaurant to which our helpful taxi driver introduced us . ’
6 Through the eyes of bishops we can catch an occasional glimpse of little groups of them ; but with the conversion of the Franks from c .500 and of the English from c .600 onwards , they could only be found in large numbers on the fringes of Western Christendom and in the outer darkness beyond .
7 A later catalogue of 1755 listed more of Gray 's stock , ‘ a greater Variety of Trees , Shrubs , Plants and Flowers … than can perhaps be found in any other Garden , for Sale , not only in England , but also in any other part of Europe ’ .
8 While George Boon rejected the suggestion that the very small coins were votive objects and may thus be found in some quantity on temple sites , he sensibly adds that there could have been a tendency for poor quality coins ‘ to gravitate to these shrines as easily as to the offertory of a country church ’ .
9 Many firms feel that these requirements can best be found in external rather than internal sources .
10 However , while the theoretical analyses yield precise predictions , these have not always been found in empirical analysis .
11 As no evidence for sexual reversal has ever been found in this species , he thought the most likely explanation for the shift in sex ratio was differential morality .
12 Although the term ‘ untrainable ’ may still be found in official classifications of mental handicap to describe the profoundly handicapped , it has been recognised officially since 1971 that no child is ineducable .
13 During the 1985 riots and their immediate aftermath , the imagery of ‘ race ’ was used by sections of the press without the sense of ambiguity which could still be found in 1980–1 .
14 One of the reasons why items well over 150 years old can still be found in many houses today is that to look after linen properly it was ‘ rested ’ between laundering and use .
15 It was traditionally associated with the Veramin and Tehran weavers of north central Persia and can still be found in some Persian village and workshop items .
16 ‘ Urban villages ’ can still be found in some parts of Britain .
17 Whereas , as we have seen , primal societies use the initiation and totemic rituals to instil whatever rudimentary superego-formation is necessary for the conduct of their social life , modern societies have more or less totally abandoned these rituals and anything resembling them ( although vestiges of them can still be found in some educational and penal institutions ) .
18 But other more reasonably priced ‘ Bristol Views ’ plates can still be found in antique shops , at fairs and even , with luck , at car boot sales .
19 Although the serum antigliadin antibody-IgA value was more closely related to the study phase , a negative result could still be found in coeliac disease patients challenged with 500 mg/day of gliadin , a dose corresponding to a ‘ visible ’ amount of daily gluten containing food ( approximately 12.5 g of wheat flour ) .
20 Unimation 's hydraulic robots could once be found in most American car plants .
21 Increased dietary calcium drastically increased the faecal excretion of fatty acids ( Fig 4 ) , which has also been found in other studies .
22 Receptors for 1,25 ( OH ) 2 D 3 have also been found in normal human colon .
23 This kind of clonal ageing has also been found in multicellular organisms reproducing asexually by apomixis , fission or budding , although the data for vegetative reproduction are mixed .
24 Can this sequence also be found in other cases ?
25 Stateless societies are for the most part small tribal societies , without any complex division of labour and economically poor , but some features of their political systems may perhaps also be found in other types of society , especially in village communities such as those of medieval Germany , or of India ( where they were once described as ‘ little republics ’ ) , although in these instances there is already some degree of subordination to a state , however remote , and some element of stratification and inequality of power in the local community itself .
26 The mollusc-crushing teeth of rays , with the same lustre as shark 's teeth , but formed as low , ridged cushions , can also be found in Mesozoic and younger rocks .
27 Evidence of the logical development of this practice can also be found in one ow two early industrial buildings .
28 Virtually all the settings in which sign language is learned can also be found in second language learning .
29 Gill and Jackson go on to identify eight ‘ black and mixed race couples ’ , seven ‘ mixed race ’ children and three black children , and use this sample to demonstrate that racial identity confusion , as they found it in the transracially placed children , could also be found in black children in black families and ‘ mixed race ’ children in ‘ mixed race ’ families : ‘ They provide an interesting comparison … because … same race placements are increasingly regarded as the ideal by social workers … and it is in the black and mixed race couples that ( it is said ) the child will come to develop a strong racial identity ’ ( p. 129 ) .
30 Such ambiguities and variations are particularly evident in New Right discourses but can also be found in popular culture .
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