Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] likely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In line with what we had expected was the finding that establishments where the level of output , the amount of overtime being worked and the number of persons employed was falling were rather less likely to be using fixed-term contract workers .
2 Students who had studied IT at a polytechnic were rather less likely to be In employment or to be continuing their studies than their university peers , and more likely to be looking for employment ( Table 4.2 ) .
3 If the patient 's fever took several days to appear then it is much less likely to be Belladonna no matter how much the rest of the picture looks like it .
4 They are much less likely to be using mail order .
5 What is much less likely to be recognized is the importance of considering the interrelationship between these various initiatives , and certainly there is no sign as yet that such an evaluation is to take place .
6 Grandchildren do not appear on Qureshi and Simons 's ( 1987 ) hierarchy of preferred carers , indicating that they are very much a minority group subsumed under ‘ other relatives ’ and therefore much less likely to be providing personal care than their parents ' generation .
7 Involuntary discharges through bankruptcy are though much less likely to be significant in larger firms where labour turnover is much more related to age .
8 Because they live longer , women over 65 are much less likely to be living with their spouse than men of a similar age .
9 Semi-skilled and unskilled workers are much less likely to be able to buy their own house ( 26 per cent of unskilled workers are owner-occupiers , compared with 87 per cent of professional workers ) .
10 Non-words can not be read aloud at all ; abstract words like truth or equality are much less likely to be read aloud correctly than concrete words like blood or cathedral ; visual errors such as reading bush as ‘ brush ’ or forge as ‘ ford ’ occur ; function words , and the prefixes and suffixes on affixed words , cause particular difficulties .
11 This is much less likely to be a problem in numerical work , which is therefore particularly important for studies of regimes inaccessible in the laboratory ( e.g. convection in conditions where non-Boussinesq effects — see the Appendix to Chapter 14 — are significant , perhaps in connection with an application such as solar granulation , Section 26.6 ) .
12 If you do lose those links then you 're much less likely to be able to find a job in the future because still most jobs are actually found through personal contacts of one sort or another .
13 A harem travelling with others is not only less likely to be the one attacked but , at least at the onset of the bachelors ' approach , the male can count on the participation of other harem males in ‘ yelping chases ’ that deter the attackers .
14 Problems with planning and programming , delays in delivery of materials or plant , and double handling , are all less likely to be identified .
15 Goosanders are found on both fresh and salt water , near the coast and well inland , but they are rather rare on the open sea and are perhaps more likely to be seen c-n salt water in very cold weather .
16 The section , ‘ The family ’ , is perhaps more likely to be explored in terms of an imaginary one — the family in a story or rhyme , or the family of dolls that lives in the doll 's house .
17 If the Security Council excludes from the new tribunal 's jurisdiction such larger crimes , which are perhaps more likely to be committed by higher state officials , the resulting trials may end up dealing only with the small fry while the big fish get away .
18 While other chaps sing the praises of Meryl Streep , Joely Richardson or Gabriela Sabatini , I 'm much more likely to be found getting worked up over worms .
19 Giving up smoking together too is much more likely to be successful than if you have to struggle alone .
20 In the supermarket packs of food are seldom in single-portion size but are much more likely to be in family economy packs .
21 Both males and females are less likely to be widowed , but much more likely to be divorced .
22 On the other hand , there were much more likely to be single children still living at home .
23 That next-door neighbour dabbler you are so concerned about is much more likely to be involved in the ‘ soft-occult ’ , and may still be open to a little reasoning .
24 Much more likely to be a timber boat .
25 Or , as is much more likely to be the truth of the matter , evidence of the parents ' fear that they might be depriving the child of some advantage if the ritual is omitted .
26 Those with orange eyes are much more likely to be able to hear .
27 The rabbits are much more likely to be below ground after a snowfall , since they become very much more vulnerable on the surface with their cover blotted out and their feeding areas restricted .
28 Nowadays the public attitude is much more likely to be : I must be in the house at 10.30 to watch Sports Report or whatever .
29 Competition in a market with few suppliers , none of them controlling the market but each relatively large ( oligopoly ) is much more likely to be distorted if one of those suppliers takes over or acquires an interest in another , than in a market characterised by fierce competition among many suppliers .
30 You will also have to be prepared to overlook sudden flashes of anger or periods of irritability which may seem to be aimed at you but which are much more likely to be an expression of her natural resentment of the disaster that has befallen her .
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