Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] [pron] 'd " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a long story , but basically I thought they 'd get on together .
2 That 's John , me boy , he 's a docker down the erm down the dock he got a weeks holiday this week , so I took me other boy and me daughter out last week and erm we 'd left her with dogs so I said we 'd take them out one day perhaps when he get his holiday .
3 ‘ But I wanted it all to be as it used to be so I said I 'd rather do it myself . ’
4 But that Sat Sunday when Hazel was here and I , and she did n't want to go so I said I 'd stay with her and cook the dinner when y when you came back you said it 's a good job you did n't come , it did n't finish till half past twelve and you came straight home and you were here about
5 I 'm doing that talking to you look for Jim Bowen 's mobile phone number so I thought we 'd give him a ring that 'll surprise him wont it ?
6 ‘ It 's slightly sparkling so I thought you 'd prefer it . ’
7 So I thought I 'd drop you a line through the magazine to convey my get-well-soon message and show the rest of the readership what a handsome chap you are .
8 So I thought I 'd write to you too .
9 So I thought I 'd help . ’
10 So I thought I 'd tell you about this bit of niceness — and no , there 's not a free Bettencourt signature model in it for me .
11 So I thought I 'd wait a year or two and let people get into the techno thing and get used to being more receptive to what it is , as opposed to what it was in ‘ 86 , when nobody knew what the term was and everybody was scared of technology .
12 The second item of erm correspondence is from Bromley 's Bromley 's Social Services , if you remember , we 've got this on going campaign on home helps and along side that we 've got erm , we did hear of t his home shopping erm campaign that Bromley do , apparently quite successfully , the MP has mentioned that , so I thought I 'd get some details of that erm , it gives the whole procedure for , for the er shopping and the delivery and the Social Services pay out for it , they pay a charge , erm if you 'd like this copied , I could get copies for the next meeting , but meanwhile I 'd recommend that erm we take it up with Benefits Action tomorrow on the campaign .
13 So I thought I 'd do you a favour .
14 I heard you at it so I thought I 'd pop in and pass the time of day .
15 So I thought I 'd call in before Arthur got down there , just to see what was what .
16 ‘ … well , they got up and left so I thought I 'd clear their glasses as soon as I 'd finished with the man I was serving .
17 So I thought I 'd go to sea with the ebb , spend half a day pottering off the fascinating banks of Ray Sand and Dengie Flat , and come back to approach Winter Marsh from seaward .
18 So I thought I 'd spend tomorrow at home clearing up and reading the newspapers and engaging in some spiritually uplifting reading .
19 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
20 Tried it all , so I thought I 'd come here
21 Well it was there so I thought I 'd bring it
22 So I thought I 'd put in for that , it was a lateral move you know , but still it was getting back to my depot and nearer my home .
23 Gloria Estefan at the moment , so I thought I 'd just get him the got a couple of records LP 's or whatever you call them now .
24 but I 'm not sure what colour to do yet , and I had a bit of spare , there 's a girl who I work with who 's pregnant , so I thought I 'd just knit what wool I got
25 yeah , so I thought I 'd have to keep him .
26 so I thought I 'd buy you
27 When I met Tutankhamen I thought his clothes were a bit dull so I thought I 'd give him a shell suit yeah , maybe a baseball cap some Reebok pumps and a .
28 Well he 's got eight so many other times so I thought I 'd try it !
29 and you have to push it to start it like , I says yes alright then , I knew the timing was out on mine so I thought I 'd do that this afternoon
30 and on section A every year they 've had one on competition , so I thought I 'd prepare for that , every year had one on erm money supply and every year had one on
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