Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] upon [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A good spiritual director would have been able to interpret this experience and have led him , step by step , past these dangerous swings of mood to a disciplined equanimity which was rooted in a deeper part of the self and which was not so dependent upon exterior circumstance .
2 It is crucially dependent upon accurate forecasting and the ability of the MAC to deliver the right student numbers in the right field combinations .
3 The reaping of benefits from removing NTBs is crucially dependent upon fundamental reconstruction in many industries .
4 For its full-time resident tutor-organisers the WEA was almost entirely dependent upon financial support from philanthropic bodies such as Carnegie , Cassell and Thomas Wall .
5 Their prosperity was directly dependent upon political favour : the government itself constituted the most valuable market , established monopolies in the most lucrative goods , disposed of much of the available credit , and had the legal power to advance or halt new ventures .
6 The price of wheat is frequently used as a measure of degrees of economic hardship by historians of this period ; not every family , it is true , was totally dependent upon wheaten bread , but the steep upward price curve which was to reach an undreamt-of high of 113s. 10d. per quarter of wheat in 1800 must be a fairly accurate barometer of the plight of the poor , especially in the 1790s .
7 The government was in an ambiguous position because its policies had created a social environment almost detrimental to study , yet the success of the reform was partly dependent upon academic research and development .
8 This last kind of connection , though it is sometimes treated as a kind of cohesion ( Halliday and Hasan 1976:28–7 ) , is really too dependent upon individual experience and knowledge to be treated as a formal link .
9 Europe and the Commonwealth were too dependent upon American power to risk separation .
10 In contrast , in Germany workplace relations are essentially dependent upon external regulation in the form of regional agreements .
11 But of course limits are self imposed , they depend very much upon political will as well as upon resources .
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