Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] been involved [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We will be recording er , talking to individual groups that are interested in , in er expressing their views , particularly groups that perhaps have been involved with the protest , and er are you know , not happy with , with some aspects of the motorway .
2 In British public administration the ‘ centre ’ will generally have been involved in the policy-making process .
3 Besides creating the conditions for success as the examination approaches , the employer should also have been involved in the candidate 's preparation from the start of the training contract .
4 The presiding judge said that higher organs of the SED , beyond the city itself , clearly had been involved in the decision to falsify election returns .
5 A visit to the local supermarket may well be within their experience , but they may not really have been involved with the shopping itself .
6 In addition to the restoration work , J&F Johnston Overseas has been involved in the construction of office buildings and hotels in Accra .
7 Moran bought the freehold of the site from the Government four years ago and since then has been involved in delicate and at times heated negotiations to take possession from the leaseholder , an educational charity , the British Federation of University Women .
8 She decided that her best hope was to go up to the belvedere and see if she could find any indication at all that someone else had been involved in Gebrec 's death .
9 Sister Marie was a teacher for 20 years , and a provincial of the Loreto sisters for 12 years , and more recently has been involved in pastoral care in the prison service at Strangeways and Risley .
10 She stipulated that it must never have been involved in an accident .
11 Discussion in the staff meeting should have taken place before any proposal affecting school policy is presented to the governors and a class teacher should certainly have been involved in any submission about an individual pupil .
12 Karl-Heinz Kretschmer resigned as the ( CDU ) deputy Minister President of Brandenburg following accusations that he too had been involved with the Stasi , and two PDS deputies in the Saxony-Anhalt parliament , Gunter Scholz and Rolf Funda , resigned their seats for the same reason on the recommendation of the party .
13 Not the desire to destroy it , but rather to turn time back and let me never have been involved with it .
14 Human rights organisations and lawyers ' associations worldwide have been involved in the campaign for the Chirwas ' release .
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