Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] about in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People are not normally wandering about in the bush at night . ’
2 We were soon splashing about in the surf washing off weeks of dirt accumulated in the slit trenches .
3 It 's been dripping for weeks and Timmy 's always falling about in the mud . ’
4 Walter de Maria has always rummaged about in the realm of the mystical and this month at Gagosian ( downtown ) until 9 May he shows his ‘ 5–7–9 ’ series , betraying a continued interest in numbers and , according to the gallery , psychic phenomenona .
5 By this time stress waves are probably racing about in the material in all directions at the speed of sound ( that is faster than the crack ) , being reflected off both old and new surfaces , and we are likely to end up with not one crack but with a great many .
6 I read reports that convoys of ‘ our boys ’ are hopelessly blundering about in the desert , completely lost within 30 miles of the Kuwaiti frontier .
7 Development planning first became widely known about in the 1950 's and since then various attempts have been made to help women , specifically , in underdeveloped countries with varying degrees of success .
8 So many of us are accustomed to eating in front of the television , or at a desk or even rushing about in the morning clutching a briefcase in one hand and a piece of toast in the other .
9 He does this by moving away from the shoal of fry and then thrashing about in the water as if injured .
10 When approached by a predatory fish , these little creatures contract their bodies and expand their papillae which they then wave about in the water .
11 Once or twice Allen loosed off an arrow at a scampering squirrel , more in play than with any idea of hitting it , and then scrabbled about in the undergrowth to recover the shaft .
12 They will happily walk about in the drizzle with a pink ice-axe , lime-green gaiters , a purple , yellow and turquoise rucksack , blue and orange kagoul , red breeches and a hat with the Union Jack on it .
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