Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] those days " in BNC.

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1 You only kissed in those days .
2 Facilities have greatly improved since those days and in 1965 the magnificent five tier grandstand was opened .
3 It was a Michaelmas Day or at least the old erm Quarter Day for paying rents and erm it was generally known in those days as muck spreading because erm it was usual time for erm , the farm workers to get ready for the winter ploughing .
4 The roadside parking was more limited in those days , but of course there were far fewer cars about so we had no problems on that score , and the walk up to the lower tier was over in minutes .
5 The little shed still smelled of those days when it had been used .
6 He drove as he always drove in those days , well , but far too fast .
7 And there was a satisfaction about it although I always think in those days we had to work so fast that there was n't the time to do what you 'd really like to have done for the patients .
8 Shrieks of alarm from Maha , a divorcee from Qatar who often visited in those days .
9 The minister was well looked after those days to .
10 Ask him if it seems dead here compared to those days , and he smiles gently .
11 His only son — well provided in those days with cash — had come back to Europe in the early ‘ thirties with little in his mind except escape .
12 The ‘ Celtic belt ’ was heavily forested in those days , as was Italy in pre-Roman times , and two large , rococo-ceilinged halls in the Palazzo Grassi have been turned into forests .
13 I still have the crudely-duplicated tickets for this hop , amusingly priced in those days before sex-discrimination was questioned , ‘ Ladies — 1/6 ’ ; ‘ Gents — 2/6 ’ .
14 People I met never became friends , people never spoke in those days at all , in fact , I found that if you did try to speak they always ran away .
15 Things had certainly changed since those days back in England .
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