Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] he returned [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Looks more like a home prescription to me , ’ the man said gloomily when he returned with a phial of pills .
2 Having made all kinds of good resolutions after Ladakh , he fell out of them as soon as he returned to his usual academic haunts in Oxford and New York ; painfully , he tried again .
3 He was a passionate tourer , always in motion , descending on his Residents with floods of instructions which resumed their unceasing flow as soon as he returned to headquarters ; and long before Northern Nigeria was brought under effective British occupation , he was composing his Political Memoranda , which in addition to his reflections on the subject of Indirect Rule contained instructions to his officers of a comprehensiveness simply beyond satire .
4 He was involved in the same heavy round of duties as soon as he returned to London , however , and honorary positions were becoming increasingly a burden .
5 As soon as he returned to England in mid-July , he became involved in preparations for the play .
6 ‘ I just want to forget it all , ’ Murray reiterated , and in his agitation stuffed both letters together into his trouser pocket , where they remained , forgotten , until a month later when he returned to the London apartment , cramped but in a smart street in Chelsea , which his mother 's divorce settlement had provided .
7 He 'd sleep later when he returned to the track , curled awkwardly on the back seat of the car under an overcoat .
8 Strachan did not make the change immediately , for he crocked a shoulder in the test against South Africa and had a three-week stand-down period immediately after he returned from tour .
9 It had been four months altogether before he returned to the Works , by which time Andrew Jones had been installed in the showrooms as assistant salesman .
10 Parents and social services were outraged that abuse victims might come into contact with Stout again if he returned to the city .
11 Lord John smiled winningly as he returned to the table .
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