Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] the table " in BNC.

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1 And , I mean , we , we was on about it one day , and she was only sat on the table next to us , ooh she was giving us daggers !
2 The child also needs to learn that food is only offered at the table or in the high-chair .
3 The pair of measurements from the diagram are already shown in the table .
4 He was a darling , though , ’ she added , absently taking a sip of the brandy which had somehow appeared on the table beside her .
5 What is not clearly stated in the text but is easily deduced from the tables is that most of the proposed ‘ preventive ’ measures in these 39 cases/ 1000 are not really preventive at all but , rather , treatments carried out after birth : 15.7 are neonatal surgical procedures for congenital heart defects , pyloric stenosis , and inguinal hernia ; 15.4 are standard orthopaedic procedures for congenital hip dislocation and club foot ; and 1.8 are postnatal treatments for a variety of other conditions .
6 She was still positioned over the table , and could feel the full weight of his body stretched over her back .
7 ‘ We 've always got round the table and discussed things , ’ says Barry .
8 He glanced briefly towards the Frenchman , who was still seated at the table .
9 In the canter of the camp Senator Nathaniel Sherman was still seated at the table on his own , savouring his third post-prandial cognac .
10 For the simplest possible case , where the rotation constants are the same in the lower and upper vibrational states , the corresponding patterns of rotation fine-structure lines are also given in the Table .
11 Reference is also made to the table at pages 276 — 82 extracted from a CBI Working Paper , summarising general prohibitions , sectoral prohibitions and corporate shareholding and cultural factors affecting cross-border acquisitions of companies in the above member states and also in Belgium , the Netherlands and the UK .
12 The unique role of the discount houses is also reflected in the tables .
13 The artists ' or students ' quality of the paint is also noted in the table .
14 The artists ' or students ' quality of the paint is also noted in the table .
15 And that is why there are occasions , particularly on the continent , when Christians from other denominations are positively welcomed at the table .
16 Again compare decimal and number place values : Thousands Hundreds Tens Units tenths hundredths thousandths Any metric length correctly placed in the table can be read off to a required unit of measurement .
17 unc Any metric weight , correctly placed in the table , can be read off to whichever unit of weight is needed .
18 ‘ You make good coffee , McAllister , ’ Dr Neil said ; he had noticed her eyes stray to his newspaper , now neglected on the table .
19 My eyes were immediately attracted to the table and my mouth started watering when I saw the home-made cakes and jam tarts laid out on a white lace tablecloth .
20 In any case , a double indicates the Fanatic has met his end and the model is immediately removed from the table .
21 She waited till Fernando had ordered drinks from the waiter and then leaned across the table that was mercifully shaded by a pergola covered in scented jasmine and passion flowers .
22 Swire Sugden leaned over to whisper in Jeremiah 's ear and then banged on the table for order .
23 ‘ Sit down , Willie , ’ he said to Noolan who was so deep in thought he 'd almost walked past the table .
24 He glanced over at the mound of tablecloths hastily borrowed from the tables of the unused tea-stall , under which the body of the late Councillor Phipps was now reposing .
25 I do n't think this is the time to discuss what we 're going to do in the future , we 've actually got on the table at the moment a proposal to purchase that land .
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