Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] himself to a " in BNC.

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1 Hand restricted himself to University of London theses because of his ease of access to the original works , and he further restricted himself to a five year period .
2 –Full-back Gary Culling , who excels in getting into scoring positions , also helped himself to a brace in the 45th and 61st minutes .
3 He is pictured on the right receiving gift vouchers which he spent on household items and also treated himself to a new pair of binoculars for his bird watching hobby .
4 Gombrich 's scholarly work includes many papers on meaning and interpretation in the visual arts , so that the broad but thin scope of his story of art is instructive ; by writing a survey he inevitably limited himself to a narrow range of comment .
5 Appointed in 1859 as medical superintendent to the Manchester Royal Lunatic Asylum in Cheadle , he now committed himself to a career in lunacy ( i.e. psychiatry ) , gaining his MRCP in 1861 .
6 Both types of books , the Maigrets and the one-off crime novels , rely on simple language — Simenon famously restricted himself to a vocabulary of 2,000 words — and a length of around 150 pages .
7 For the moment he therefore confined himself to a tour of the streets , even though popular clamour made it clear what was wanted , for few cried ‘ Vive la République ’ .
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