Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] be able " in BNC.

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1 In that year the Cohen Committee succinctly explained how this state of affairs had come about : ‘ [ t ] he illusory nature of the control theoretically exercised by the shareholders over directors has been accentuated by the dispersion of capital among an increasing number of small shareholders who pay little attention to their investments so long as satisfactory dividends are forthcoming , who lack sufficient time , money and experience to make full use of their rights as occasion arises and who are , in many cases , too numerous and too widely dispersed to be able to organise themselves ’ .
2 ‘ They 've obviously got to be able to speak to people at all levels , ’ said a supervisor of his field men .
3 It all looked so carefree , so enticingly Mediterranean and relaxed , that Caroline suddenly longed to be able to forget her business , abandon all her years of hard work , hop on board one of those yachts and sail off indefinitely towards the hazy blue horizon …
4 The fact that the cold war lasted so much longer than the economic idyll meant that Americans never adjusted to the fact that , economically , their country had long ceased to be able to deliver the annual increase in prosperity they had come to consider a birthright .
5 If you provide information about your organisation the teacher will be well enough informed to be able to detect those areas and activities which will be of value .
6 And now the rains had really come , so heavy and persistent that even the village rain-maker no longer claimed to be able to intervene .
7 So whilst superuser still resides in Unix , it is no longer needed to be able to perform system administration , for example .
8 That nerve-racking encounter with Julius had dashed any hopes Jessamy had ever had of being able to get a good night 's sleep .
9 In addition to being good teachers able to motivate their students they are also expected to be able to plan and present a scheme of work , write a syllabus with clear aims and objectives .
10 You 've also got to be able to get comfy and take a breather when you can or you 'd never last a race .
11 ‘ You 've also got to be able to express yourself well in writing — there are a lot of reports to compile . ’
12 She laughed , partly amused at his fascination with the woman and partly relieved at being able to delay her decision .
13 David Atkin , for example , was particularly interested in the issue of leisure opportunities : ‘ I want to find out how leisure activities can be improved because from what I 've seen most disabled people in Hexham are fairly limited in being able to get out . ’
14 You 've really got to be able to play all the keys on the piano on this one .
15 Yes , we 'll have , at present we 're scheduled to have about 30 aircraft on static display , and these are aircraft from er the third air force bases , the bases within the United Kingdom , you 're just about assured of being able to see an F15 , up close , an F16 up close , an A 10 , and some other aircraft that are stationed in and around er Europe .
16 And by combining them with aerobics , you can achieve even greater success — in fact , a fitness level and a beautiful body which you never previously dreamed of being able to attain .
17 Very often the packaging is too heavily branded to be able to use a straight pack shot and a picture of a plate of soup or a bowl of cornflakes is not going to stun the readership !
18 When the news was broken to Vaclav Havel in the middle of Jon Snow 's television interview he stopped the cameras , appalled , much too moved to be able to make an appropriate instant response .
19 Alan Bleakley tells of some very fruitful rituals including working with archetypal images which have taken place at various stone circles in Cornwall where individuals were considerably helped by being able to tune in to the spirit of the place .
20 Freed , thus , from the weight of the dragon 's will , and safely assured of being able to get home again Maggie turned her mind to her own task and went travelling down into the labyrinth of memory and desire .
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