Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] beginning to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Much of our knowledge of Beaker burials derives from excavations conducted in the last century , when the principles of good archaeological practice were only just beginning to be formulated .
2 Feminist cinema may be a ‘ global issue ’ , in Susan Hayward 's words , too large and bumpy and may be possible to argue that in theoretical and critical terms the truly global issues of a multi-racial international feminism are only just beginning to be addressed .
3 In 1786 , when the true age of man was only just beginning to be appreciated , Anglo-Saxon remains were first identified as such .
4 The ability to display airframes and artifacts within such a building is only just beginning to be capitalised upon by NAM .
5 That there were many factors to be considered is shown by the fact that in 1880 the depression was only just beginning to be felt by industry , while it had already hit agriculture badly .
6 Alas , I was only just beginning to be visually aware , but to the extent to which I have grown in such awareness over the years I believe it was Basil and Ruth who started to make me look and see .
7 If this is a correct analysis of the situation , the consequences for our disciplines may be far-reaching in unexpected ways which are only just beginning to be noticed .
8 The implications of these patterns , elucidated principally by Bill Cummins and others , are only just beginning to be appreciated .
9 These contradictions will be marked in the work produced under these conditions in ways that we are only just beginning to be able to imagine .
10 The dangers of long exposure to fluorescent lighting and video screens are only now beginning to be appreciated , and the 50 Hz frequency of domestic electric-ring circuits may not be good news either .
11 Issues regarding the ethnic minority dimensions of ageing are only now beginning to be addressed in Britain .
12 The role of phospholipids in this process is only now beginning to be appreciated .
13 Health of mind and soul , the inner realities , were once more beginning to be acknowledged .
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