Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] assume that [art] " in BNC.

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1 He also believes that a Martian might be able to understand symbols ( and so apparently assumes that the Martian is not going to be at all like any future ( IBM computer ) .
2 We have so far assumed that the micro-instructions are held in a read-only control store , although we have considered the possibility of interchangeable plug-in control stores .
3 To do so it is necessary to examine the origins of our literary expectations which so frequently assume that the best literary experience deals with individuals capable of making moral distinctions and to question the pejorative critical formulations which tend to accompany assessments of characters as vehicles for ideas : caricature , static , incompletely realised , and so on .
4 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
5 Despite Cuvier 's warnings , it was still widely assumed that the vertebrates are collectively more advanced than any invertebrate type .
6 The Forty-Second Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education , published in 1943 , devoted a whole volume ( Part Two ) to " The library in general education " , once again assuming that the whole idea was totally novel .
7 It may be reasonably confidently assumed that the different criteria for ambiguity which have been described in fact are sensitive to the same underlying semantic property , and that in the absence of ‘ special factors ’ will provide identical diagnoses .
8 I wonder if any of your readers noticed in The Times of 10 March how Lord Armstrong of Ilminster of the Victoria and Albert Museum 's Trustees , quite casually assumed that the independence of our national museums had already been similarly compromised ?
9 We can no longer assume that the only proper music in church is that which is commonly called ‘ traditional ’ .
10 There is , however , an alternative approach based on the development of a new understanding of law , which no longer assumes that the legal system is uniform but realises that law is linked into complex processes of communication between and within different sub-systems of society , which in turn form and influence the substance of a particular segment of law .
11 Agencies too easily assume that the competition for the brands and services they advertise comes from other advertisers .
12 But his enthusiasm for system led him too easily to assume that a native administration duly gazetted was a native administration actually functioning as a responsible organ of local government , and this set a limit to his achievements in reform .
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