Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb past] a bit " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I got a bit fed up .
2 Then suddenly I got a bit more confidence , I felt better about my weight , my husband encouraged me as I started out in various career directions , and goals actually began to emerge .
3 thinking , Oh if only I spent a bit more time
4 So I had a bit of an up and a downer and er erm created quite a stir with erm Mr the Clerk of the Council Professor .
5 So I got a bit more interested .
6 ‘ I 've been away so long I felt a bit like the new boy walking into the old school when I arrived at the studio for Carry On Columbus , ’ he admits .
7 Gingerly I squeezed a bit on my fingertip .
8 so she had a bit of a benny it was
9 But like , wi with the door Dave 's mum 's sister was rubbing it in to try and say to his nan that we were kicking her out and so she got a bit funny over it !
10 So you had a bit of swamp just off the bottom of your garden
11 There are one or two old professors here left over from before the liberation ( apparently no profs have been appointed since ) and the professor of English , Prof. Chen Jia , is a charming though deaf old fellow who studied in the U.S.A. , and who used to write books on English literature before the Cultural Revolution put a stop to all that sort of thing — but even so he quoted a bit of Chaucer to me surreptitiously at the dinner table .
12 Hey right we spilt a bit on the table and it goes
13 Now we tried a bit of W a We actually gave you a worth of something last time ,
14 Preston had been quite keen when he started the project but now he felt a bit shamefaced about it .
15 I ai n't got a lot out , well I got a bit out .
16 Oh yeah , well she went a bit
17 Only I just turned into grocery because you could n't get fruit , when you want Well you had a bit but not much .
18 but there was in the coal , well they looked a bit heavy on the wall
19 well it started a bit now it 's hurting .
20 but er , I do n't know how he got out yesterday and I 've never , never know him parked down the road , not at all , anyway we got , I got home and erm , I said to Bev you know , right go and phone Lesley see if she 's in and then I did a bit of housework and then the phone rang , ooh , we was aiming to go out at one and that must of been ten to one , and it was Liz
21 And there I went a bit I once saw a big pile of soil at the back you know .
22 And then we got a bit of plaster out of Uncle Alan 's medical bag
23 Then we had a bit of hassle off the bizzies .
24 And er then we had a bit , there was a victory organization of the schools then .
25 So then we had a bit of a wonder whether or not Christopher should go to school .
26 and er , then we had a bit , but er everything in the bottom drawer there , those are all playing alright
27 Sometimes he had a bit too much to drink but that is n't particularly unusual , ’ said a spokesman .
28 then it went a bit further and stop , and then we used to be walking up the , but that were it , half a crown
29 Yes I mean er when I s er you know when I was on the Q E Two and was chatting with a fella and er he , they 'd been , he 'd obviously been cruising before and was on this cruise and er they were going on the er another Cunard ship a few months later , and it turned out that he was a hotelier who 'd bought a hotel in Swanage some years ago , I think he 'd had about seven bedrooms when he bought it and he gradually extended it , I forget how many he did tell me , and then he had a bit of a heart er attack and er his doctor told him to , you know , well if I were you I 'd just pack in your job which he did and that was about fifteen years ago he was I du n no if he was eighty or he was approaching eighty if he was n't and was in pretty good form , he was dancing , and er , you know , I mean there money 's no object .
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