Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] have had the " in BNC.

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1 I have had people ring me up at weekends and luckily I 've had the stuff and taken it back .
2 I enjoy the more wishy-washy concepts — I wish perhaps I 'd had the chance to do a physics and philosophy option — and it seems to me that when we do things like quantum physics nobody bothers very much with the concepts that that presents — they just tend to give you all the theory .
3 If only she 'd had the courage to tell him she wanted to end their relationship when the cracks had first started to appear .
4 If only she 'd had the chance to ask him why he 'd had the affair .
5 And she could have done it again if only she 'd had the chance .
6 The signs had all been there if only she 'd had the gumption to read them .
7 She might live to rue this impetuous decision , but at least she 'd never look back with regret on what might have been if only she 'd had the courage to dare .
8 So we 've had the most famous budget of all .
9 If only they had had the sense to invest in cleaning up our power stations , as the Germans have done , we would not watch electricity industry representatives and Ministers rushing around trying to find cheap fixes to meet their European obligations .
10 Only they have had the chance to view the Earth from this unique vantage point — until now .
11 Perhaps he had had the same thought , because as their eyes met something seemed to pass between them , some spark of longing they both recognised .
12 In doing so it has had the benefit of conversations with the Revd.
13 The likelihood of a syphilitic mother passing the infection on when she is pregnant diminishes the longer she has had the disease , and when she has been given an adequate course of anti-syphilitic treatment , there is no chance of her infecting her unborn child unless she herself becomes reinfected .
14 Somehow he had had the sound relayed to a speaker , or speakers , in the hills — perhaps that was what was in the little room , relaying equipment , a generator .
15 It was he who arranged medical care , arranged the hospital — even arranged for an adoption ; but once I 'd had the baby , and she so soft and little , so lovely , I could n't do it .
16 No I 'm er having it privately like I 've had the other , you know , on my er
17 Now you 've had the , the benefit of hindsight which would you rather go with , the structured way or the , you know , the way you did it at the
18 She had the ability and now she had had the break .
19 For some time now she 'd had the feeling that she was not the flavour of the month as far as he was concerned .
20 They tried to give us to our ancient enemies in 1912 , 1974 , 1985 and now we 've had the ‘ Brooke initiative ’ which was another attempt by Westminster to be rid of us .
21 Strike while the iron 's hot sort of thing , now we 've had the idea ?
22 For many years now we have had the same experts to evaluate the records , stamps , art , music and special books , and their names , and our gratitude to them are well-known .
23 Well I 've had the sniffles at the moment but we 've had a lot of people at work with
24 Well I 've had the mower serviced .
25 Well we 've had the government 's er White Paper , that 's now become an Act of Parliament , and in accordance with that er Parliamentary decision , all the nineteen ninety two District Health Authorities in the Country , er are newly constituted .
26 Well he 's had the fire plumbed in but the gas is n't on .
27 Then I 'd had the impression of a pleasant face , but no crowd-raiser .
28 For a decade till then I 'd had the adrenalin flowing .
29 Well , I 've grown up tonight , and it 's too late — too late for us , but at least I 've had the chance of putting things straight with you , and that puts my mind at peace . ’
30 There I had had the right to follow my own devices throughout the day .
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