Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] period [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If subject to stress for a sufficiently long period of time all ‘ solid ’ materials are capable of flow .
2 However , if gains are kept offshore for a sufficiently long period of time , the return on investment may exceed the increased capital gains tax liability .
3 The 1980s were in fact an extremely busy period for tanker owners — partly because of the boom in orthodox calls for shipping , partly because of the development of unusual kinds of employment .
4 In contrast , with pattern masking , subjects report seeing a crisp , clear high-contrast target for an extremely short period of time , too short for the target to be reportable .
5 A recent specialist Soviet study on Southeast Asia argued that the term ‘ neutralisation ’ as distinct from the related terms ‘ neutrality ’ and ‘ neutralism ’ contained the idea of activity over a more or less defined period of time ; it implied a process of gradual and progressive development .
6 Ages 20 to 34 years represent the most favourable period for childbearing ; ages 20 to 29 are the safest .
7 But Richards , 49 , refused to reveal why timid Jack was the reason for the record , written during the band 's most tempestuous period amid drug trials and the decision of founder member Brian Jones to quit .
8 TNC was given an astonishingly brief period of consultation while teachers were on their summer holidays in 1987 ; ISS was the subject of a year 's consultation in 1984–85 — perhaps too long .
9 Blenkin , for example , ( 1980 ) believes ‘ the most recent generation of teachers has worked through the most rapid period of curriculum development in the history of state education ’ ( p. 45 ) .
10 Its most likely period of operation is between 300 and 325 , whereafter some of its craftsmen appear to have been employed at Withington , and .
11 And a little untidy period of play but here 's Lewis to Ormanroyd Speedy sets it up for Greyson and in it goes again towards Agnew the captain and did that cross the line yes it 's a corner .
12 LABOUR has begun its most intensive period for reselection .
13 ‘ I do n't think this is an unreasonably short period of acclimatisation , ’ added Walsh , who climbed his first 8,000-er in the shape of Cho Oyu two years ago .
14 A second , more intense period of erosion ( unit IV ) is bracketed by dates of 2,53060 and 1,19070yrBP ( Table 1 b ) .
15 Yet this was not only his most effective period in office but also the job he enjoyed most .
16 boundary changes that we would like to have the full panoply of o o of inquiry a as the honourable gentleman knows , the the timetable was short here and what we had to do was to follow the model , er that had been provided by the last Labour government in seventy eight when it had a similarly tight timetable , took a similarly er er period , similarly short period of time er for the reviews and where erm the normal enquiries had to be dispensed with .
17 By the look of him , however , his chief had not perhaps shared a similarly successful period of recuperation , for he sounded tetchy as he picked up the brief note Lewis had left him .
18 labour turnover is reduced , especially by keeping managers in their job for a reasonably lengthy period of time .
19 The builder will not start more houses than he can reasonably be sure of completing in an economically short period of time , nor at a price at which he will be unable to dispose of them .
20 Psychology has concluded that the most formative period of life is childhood , and in particular the first five years of life .
21 What was true on the wider front was also true at a personal level : Layton was about to go into his most prolific period of writing , and the whole literary scene was being galvanised into a productivity never before realised in Canada .
22 A spokesman said ‘ This is the most dramatic period in ferry travel between Northern Ireland and Scotland and the best time ever for the customer . ’
23 In the first condition individuals that breed soonest produce young at the peak of a rich and often superabundant period of food production .
24 What we try to do is to make available to people opportunities for study in depth and over a fairly long period of time , on issues and in subjects which are part of University activity .
25 Mr was well aware because he 'd been told by the plaintiffs solicitors that the plaintiffs received terms for cover or to obtain interest on their costs , the plaintiffs solicitors wrote specifically to Mr enquiring was his offer in , in the sum of forty two thousand pounds , that 's er the possible agreed settlement figure for costs , er if it was inclusive or exclusive of interest erm there were some delay but er Mr wrote back in due course making clear that interest was n't included , I should also say that in Mr er proposed bill of costs he had disallowed interest for a fairly short period in respect of both the plaintiffs bill of costs and the defendants bill of costs and the plaintiffs solicitors do n't appear to have erm taken any point on that , but as I say it , the point as to interest was specifically raised by the plaintiffs solicitors letter and er I 'm quite satisfied on the correspondence that they when it came to the matter were seen , were desires of obtaining interest in respect of their costs .
26 Experiencing several such impacts in a comparatively short period of time might well be sufficient to trigger an ice age — assuming the other circumstances noted above were suitable .
27 But it might well be thought that if a procession has been regularly held even for such a comparatively short period of time , the police are aware that it is likely to take place , and it is therefore outside the rationale behind the advance notification requirement .
28 However , these surpluses or PSDR ( Public Sector Debt Repayment ) shrank rapidly after 1989 as government revenue suffered in the wake of the most protracted period of recession since the Inter-War years .
29 I 'll go straight into er item two A I think the first thing the County Council would would wish to say this erm examination is that er today we are really seeing the culmination of I suspect er ten year work erm in Greater York by the Greater York authority and a particularly intensive period of work over the last five years , er by the Greater York authorities , the paper that I put round N Y five the matter two A really addresses the history and why we reached the conclusions corporately that we have and as all as we 've already indicated erm progress was able to be made when the Secretary of State included a Greater York er dimension erm into the er into the structure plan in a the first alteration , erm and that enabled a body of work to be undertaken by the Greater York authority , and I think I ought to say at this point that the Greater York authority comprises of the County Council er and five District Councils , and there you have six different councils , all with an interest in the future of Greater York , sitting down together , trying to sort out the way in which the future of Greater York erm ought ought to be developed , and the means they did it did that of course was through the Greater York study , which began in nineteen eighty eight and started off immediately with a study of forty , fifty development , potential development sites , erm in and around er er Greater York which produced a report , as I said in on page three of the of N Y five , around about April nineteen eighty nine , the conclusions of which were quite clearly unacceptable to erm members of the Greater York authority , because they saw quite clearly , and they were supported by the public in this , that to continue peripheral development , which had been the pattern of development in the Greater York area , erm certainly through the sixties and seventies er was unacceptable in terms of its impact on settlements , and particularly er its impact erm on erm erm the York greenbelt which still at that stage erm had yet to be made statutory , and that was again one of the main stimuli to making progress , the need to s formally define er the York greenbelt .
30 ‘ The Home Secretary was n't persuaded then and there has n't been a particularly long period of time since , so it is not likely that there will be any review . ’
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