Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the winter [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This completed the process begun in the early 1930s of concentrating generation on the most efficient stations , and using the least efficient only during the winter peaks .
2 Dr John Eagles , of the Ross Clinic in Aberdeen , recommends that anyone suffering from excessive sleepiness only during the winter months should consider the possibility of Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ) .
3 Light : Good illumination from above , especially during the winter months .
4 Unemployment was less easily ignored ; it reached a peak in the winter of 1902–03 and remained high , especially in the winter months , throughout the Conservatives ' period in office .
5 It was a difficult journey , especially in the winter months when the vagaries of intemperate and often violent weather meant that remote airports could be closed down within minutes .
6 Only in the winter months , ’ conceded Bunny .
7 Those clays in fact go right across the hillside there , and they cause a lot of problems because they slope inland , and over Ritchie Hill , coming out of Newhaven , the road there is nearly always during the winter months broken by cracks which open up , and has in fact been subject to considerable reconstruction this last summer .
8 It was also during the winter months that vines were taken down from their wires and their ends tied ( often to the water pipes ) so that they formed a large bow shape .
9 He has all the same worked tirelessly through the winter months with coach Tim Tremlett , slightly changing his grip and attempting to add to his repertoire of strokes .
10 The turbine will run mainly during the winter months when the heavy rainfalls in the area ensure an abundance of fast flowing water , and it is hoped that electricity generation will start in 1991 .
11 When we arrived the weather was icy ( although there was no snow , the atmosphere was cold and dusty , since they have very little rain here during the winter months ) and everything looked a sort of browny grey colour , with no green grass and bare trees .
12 He slept soundly , even through the winter gales .
13 In Victorian times baked potato sellers were a familiar sight in most towns and cities throughout Britain , particularly during the winter months , when not only were potatoes bought for eating , they were also bought as hand warmers .
14 More efficient weed control and the autumn sowing of crops were depriving birds of resources , particularly during the winter months , making the fields highly unattractive habitats .
15 The weather in the mountains can change very rapidly , and mists can descend suddenly , particularly in the winter months .
16 has been considerable , Chairman my one concern which has in fact shared by Mrs as Mr referred in , in his letter is erm how long is this experiment should run for erm how long five point seven the first of three months , although the wording is n't , it is in fact half the recommendation , I would want to er agree with Mrs suggest that this be six months , erm because three months particularly in the winter months ca n't , ca n't really be considered a very thorough experimental period .
17 The six people at a corner table were well known to the proprietor , who saw them regularly in the winter months .
18 E.g. it is reasonable to expect all pipes and tanks in an attic to be lagged ; when a property is to be unoccupied for a period particularly over the winter months , all water tanks , pipes , etc should be drained and adequate heating provided .
19 BLACKPOOL — Since her first as leader of the Conservative Party , delivered here at the Winter Gardens in 1975 , Margaret Thatcher and her team of speechwriters have made of the conference speech a minor art form .
20 The nutritional value of grass decreases markedly during the winter months .
21 Its nutritional quality decreases markedly in the winter months and also when we have drought conditions such as we had last summer .
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