Example sentences of "[pers pn] believe to be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm one interesting point about overtime and temps er generally is that temps apparently unl are costing us around about fourteen K with overheads which is a lot more than I believed to be the case .
2 If that seems too simple , then let me put what I believe to be a far more cogent argument , By bringing ‘ God ’ into this , are we not merely shifting something off ourselves ?
3 Having won the championship I was looking forward to defending it with what I believe to be a very competitive car .
4 I shall press on however , for this pamphlet is the best exposition of which I know of what I believe to be a widely held position .
5 I have what I believe to be a very important piece of information for marine fish keepers which I have picked up from the marine scene in the USA .
6 Item two : I believe to be a brass candle snuffer .
7 In this section , I will set out what I believe to be the basic characteristics of a flourishing , as well as an unsuccessful , approach to science .
8 I accept that there are differing views on this subject but , since no one is able to offer concrete proof one way or the other , I can only write of what I believe to be the case .
9 If meditation means achieving a state in which stress is reduced — which I believe to be the case — a state in which the self-healing processes of the body may be encouraged , then there may be many channels through which to achieve it .
10 I will not make use of the ransom theory in my retelling of the drama , but I shall cling on to the primitive belief , which I believe to be the correct biblical one , that God 's atonement in incarnation and cross was the crucial victory in the Great Battle not only over sin but also over the Devil and the powers of darkness .
11 But his speculation — so far only seen in outline , in a methodological ( and often polemical ) essay rather than in a series of detailed studies — point to what I believe to be the correct questions even if he does not provide all the right answers .
12 Suppose — to take the clearest example , which would make what I believe to be the nature of the world fall to the ground like a pack of cards — that there was a resurrection .
13 She founded a Hindu College at Benares , adopted the 14-year-old Krishnamurti , whom she believed to be the earthly vehicle of the new World Teacher , and played an important part in the campaign for Indian self-government .
14 At Gloucester Crown Court in August 1986 a young mother was found guilty of killing her four-year-old son whom she believed to be the devil .
15 The sale was appealed by the collector 's widow , Gillian Sackler , who , overturning a lower court decision authorising the sale at Christie 's , argued that the Sackler children had acted in conflict of interest with the estate 's wishes , and that the collection should have been kept together , on long term loan at the National Gallery , Washington , in compliance with what she believed to be the collector 's intent .
16 The profound anguish and hopeless despair of this woman in the face of what she believed to be the moral ruin of her whole life can not well be described .
17 5 Of the 29 works below , list the five you believe to be the most important qualities for a saleswoman :
18 ( a ) which highlights what you believe to be the principal findings , usually in rank order of importance to you , or to the organization under investigation ; and ( b ) which interprets your findings and discusses their meaning and significance in the light of your prior knowledge and reading of the relevant literature .
19 One technique is to fit the IUD while a woman is being given what she believes to be a routine pelvic examination .
20 ‘ We , the country people of Tayside in Perth , living between Fortingall in the west , Foss on Tummel in the north , and Logierait in the east , do solemnly petition your Worship to exempt us from the Militia Act passed in July this year , 1797 , for it would submit us to hardship and bondage , which we believe to be no duty of ours . ’
21 Chris Bonington said ‘ This year we are hoping to attract teams from all over the country to an event that we believe to be a great way of linking people here with the millions still suffering from probably the world 's most disabling disease . ’
22 Mr Hurd replied : ‘ We have worked out what we believe to be the most sensible balance between our desire for good race relations and harmony in our cities … and our very strong feeling that we have a continuing … duty of responsibility to people in Hong Kong . ’
23 ‘ The picture shows a man who we believe to be the double burglar cuddling his girlfriend , ’ said a spokesman .
24 Counselling empathy requires constant testing because we can never be certain that what we believe to be the feelings and attitudes of the counsellees are accurate .
25 If , as we believe to be the case , the unconscious activity of the mind consists in imposing forms upon content , and if these forms are fundamentally the same for all minds — ancient and modern , primitive and civilized
26 If , as we believe to be the case , powers are being so exercised , then the issue of constitutional legitimacy which arises is quite simple : what is the value or use of a constitution based on and designed to ensure the maintenance of a system of limited government if it can , quite lawfully and even constitutionally , be set on one side ?
27 But such paradoxes were unlikely to convince businessmen brought up on the economic theory of the ‘ wage-fund ’ , which they believed to be a scientific demonstration that raising wages was impossible and trade unions were therefore doomed to failure .
28 So either they knew only the uncontaminated documents , which did nothing to strengthen what they believed to be an already strong case , or they knew the documents in their contaminated form , but knew also that they were forged , and kept quiet about them .
29 Finally MIND bitterly attacked what they believed to be the RHA 's intention to cut the Riverside budget for mental health by 45 per cent .
30 The problems began when Mr Major and Northern Ireland Secretary of State Tom King , negotiated what they believed to be the best deal for the taxpayers and Shorts .
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