Example sentences of "[pers pn] allow [pn reflx] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 You leapt for the cleaner banks and I allowed myself to be carried on by the filth of deceit , of shame , and of a guilt that even now I can not put into public or private words .
2 In the intervening years I allowed myself to be gradually undermined and finally succeeded in losing most outward traces of my cultural identity .
3 I was n't completely heart-free during those years ; sometimes I allowed myself to be fooled that I loved someone , but when it came to the point of saying " yes " to anything final there was always the small honest inner voice which jeered " For life ?
4 I allowed myself to be talked into riding a horse by a stuntman , ’ she says .
5 I knew that the Cross would drag me to Cambridge if I allowed myself to be dragged , but I refused .
6 And then in some subtle way I allowed myself to be dominated by you .
7 ‘ Why do I allow myself to be persuaded by this unscrupulous Welsh Levantine ? ’ he asked .
8 Perhaps she was being a complete fool helping Craig Grenfell , was she allowing herself to be taken in by the first handsome man to come into her life ?
9 She allowed herself to be shown out , allowed herself to be talked to but said not a word .
10 She allowed herself to be posed like a mannequin , but drew in on herself when he let her go .
11 When a sympathetic ex-boyfriend came along , she allowed herself to be seduced by him .
12 Nevertheless , she allowed herself to be helped up the high step and onto a bunk opposite the one on which Robbie was now lying …
13 She had protested at their taking the Friar 's sack but now she allowed herself to be swept along by them without resistance .
14 She tempered her approach to each medium like a professional : for newspaper journalists she spoke slowly in short , simple generalities ; on television she smiled a lot and complimented her opponents on the intelligence of their remarks ; on radio she allowed herself to be profound , even vulnerable .
15 Sabine suspected that the Baronne was already sufficiently indulged , but she allowed herself to be escorted to the grand chamber .
16 A fine fool she 'd look if she allowed herself to be swept off her feet by more of those blood-stirring kisses , then found herself dropped like a burning coal the moment Doreen stepped through the door .
17 ‘ I do n't find it particularly surprising that you allowed yourself to be seduced by her .
18 If you get sat on it is because you allow yourself to be sat on .
19 Had she allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security ?
20 But are we allowing ourselves to be carried away by false vanity ?
21 Immediately we could sense a rough and rather unpleasant atmosphere , but we allowed ourselves to be swept up the steps of the first house into a howling throng of excitable spectators .
22 We will be asked why , given the evidence of the time , when EFTA and the east European countries were queueing up to join the tighter Community that was being proposed , we allowed ourselves to be left outside .
23 We 're to blame for the way we allow ourselves to be treated , but curiously the solution does not lie in our hands .
24 That now , when perhaps we need Him most of all , we allow ourselves to be weaned away from He who gave us life ?
25 When we allow ourselves to be dominated by the demands and opinions of others , our own self-esteem diminishes .
26 Material gain We allow ourselves to be persuaded when we think we are going to get richer , to have a more luxurious lifestyle , to make acquisitions .
27 We get scared by history ; we allow ourselves to be bullied by data .
28 We allow ourselves to be served by surly shop assistants — and we do n't complain .
29 As a church do we put ourselves with Jesus on the side of people in need or do we allow ourselves to be paralysed by fear or the temptations of wealth and forget what we would rather not know ?
30 If Justine , in the work of the eighteenth-century ‘ pornographer ’ , the Marquis de Sade , willingly submitted , what is wrong with her allowing herself to be treated in whatever fashion her persecutors wanted ?
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