Example sentences of "[pers pn] must say i was " in BNC.

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1 I must say I was not totally happy about her going on at Yeo Davis , with me in the government .
2 But I must say I was deeply disappointed .
3 I had planned the journey here to Salisbury with considerable care , avoiding almost entirely the major roads ; the route might have seemed unnecessarily circuitous to some , but then it was one that enabled me to take in a fair number of the sights recommended by Mrs J. Symons in her excellent volumes , and I must say I was well pleased with it .
4 I must say I was rather surprised , and thought something must have happened to him …
5 I must say I was rather excited to meet him .
6 WELL , SIR , WHEN Miss Catherine became Mrs Linton , and we went to live at Thrushcross Grange , I must say I was surprised and pleased by her behaviour .
7 When I did find out what he was thinking , I must say I was surprised .
8 Now I would be the first to admit that I I 'm not a judge as accountant , I 'm an insurance broker er and erm I do n't understand er and I 'm not aware of all of the rules and regulations that affect accountants er and affect the way audits are carried out , b but I must say I was a bit surprised t to hear during the debate , er that that was really what the problem was , the problem with B C C I was this conflict of interest , that fraud was known and it was not declared er and er I think that these er these regulations should now make that considerably er more clear .
9 As IFA president Harry Cavan took the witness box , the then Mr Justice Murray said : ‘ Mr Cavan , entirely without prejudice , I must say I was delighted , as we all were , with the performance last night .
10 I must say I was not aware of all the problems the police have detailed and would have done something about it had they told me . ’
11 I must say I was quite surpri I 've never set foot in the place before since that time we went down before it was open .
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