Example sentences of "[pers pn] have heard that the " in BNC.

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1 Er now it 's it 's rather interesting er as an aside , I 'd heard that the Central African mounted police were trying to hire young men of er er at least sound mind and probably tough body .
2 I had heard that the lasses used to beat you up when you first got in and that the lesbians used to grab hold of you and that there was loads of violence and everything .
3 On the first part of the question , events moved so rapidly in Dublin last night that by the time that I had heard that the Minister had been appointed , I gather that he had also resigned .
4 Anyway , ’ she continued , ‘ I 've heard that the sidecar can come off .
5 They do n't feel right and I 've heard that the rubber grips on them have a tendency to rot after a short time .
6 I 've heard that the Princess loves the King and she 's very sad … ‘
7 I 've heard that the Dragon Cloud is the cultural centre of these levels .
8 I have heard that the house is inhabited , and that it is now a farmhouse ; but not a human being in sight anywhere near it ; the ploughmen have left the fields , the farm buildings are deserted .
9 I have heard that the 2.25 LR diesel engine is very unreliable but the 2.5 BMC diesel is a good unit .
10 You will not go up north straight away , there is such a thing as training you know , I have heard that the absolute minimum for what you call sitting around is six months .
11 I have heard that the experience of a successful comparable venture was approximately as follows :
12 I have heard that the empty cardboard cones can be used instead — is this true ? ’
13 ‘ Besides , ’ Karr added , accepting the ch'a menu the waiter held out to him , ‘ I have heard that the Dragon Cloud is the paragon among teahouses .
14 She had heard that the British ate fish and chips out of old newspapers , had seen it in films about the blitz .
15 Elizabeth told Betty that Wyn had been to school with Hywel , and Betty told Elizabeth that she had heard that the Welsh standard of education was very high .
16 She had heard that the sight of some spirits was so terrifying , it could drive a person insane , never to recover their wits .
17 First of all , I expect most of you have heard that the proposed holiday to Torbay has had to be cancelled cos we did n't have enough support .
18 And as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming , even now many Antichrists have come , this is how we know , it is the last hour .
19 We 've heard that the London Transport Museum can be hired out for parties and receptions , and , as my fiancé is involved in the transport industry , we 'd love to find out more .
20 We had heard that the University library and the small library of the Burma Research Society had practically disappeared , so I visited second-hand bookshops to Pick up out-of-print books on Burma , and for the modest expenditure of one hundred pounds managed to gather a very good collection of standard books on Burma and Buddhism .
21 We had heard that the paths ahead were precarious and exposed , but my heart sank when I noticed that even the horses were being blindfolded .
22 ‘ Once again , we have heard that the letter had gone to what they call an unknown address and the matter is still not resolved . ’
23 We have heard that the Scottish Bus Group has incorporated the recommendation of the Committee .
24 We have heard that the amount to be paid by each household will depend on the valuation of the property and that properties will be allocated to one of eight bands .
25 However , tonight we have heard that the Labour party will never approve of it .
26 sending their mail to erm Body Shop er , they 'd been grooming their nails because they 've heard that the Body shops , in the paper the other day erm are paying ten pounds per nail if your nail 's an inch long , you know , so you cut this talon off if it 's an inch long and they had loads and loads of them sent in envelopes or people just ringing up and asking can we send our nail , ten pound a nail and they said , where the rumour started from these people had heard that because they do n't do erm experiments on animals any more they 're using nails to do experiments , the nail polish and that
27 They told him they had heard that the doctor had managed to avoid them all by driving into the lamp post .
28 He has heard that the King is ill and he has sent for me , from the distant land beyond Kelfazin , to find the cause of his sickness .
29 Now he was into jazz because he 'd heard that the Yuppies had hijacked it after Clint Eastwood 's film on Charlie Parker , and had moved back a decade to the late ‘ forties .
30 Yeah but then dad said when he came in that , he 'd heard that the middle of it had gone .
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