Example sentences of "[pers pn] have shown that the " in BNC.

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1 In a separate publication1 , I feel that I have shown that the inter-reaction processes involved when two dominant forms of ion are present can cause one ion form to screen the geomagnetic field effective on the other form to bring about a resonance at a frequency of up to 1.5 times higher that that for a single ion .
2 The solution using differentiation is shown in Figure 2B , where I have shown that the same transfer price is spot on for both divisions .
3 I have shown that the psychological arrow is essentially the same as the thermodynamic arrow , so that the two would always point in the same direction .
4 Now we 've shown that the sloppy approach can be put on a firm footing we shall , because of its greater familiarity , lapse into it !
5 In this brief review we have shown that the monomer unit , , is the archetype of a whole new family of free radicals with highly unusual properties — low or negligible intermolecular attractions , photochemical isomerisation and novel ring trapping , and complexation reactions .
6 We have shown that the objectives of the youth movement , the juvenile labour exchanges and the proposed continuation schools were not so much the creation of conformist youth as of the adaptable , efficient citizen , motivated by service , mediated by humanism , and morally conscious .
7 We have shown that the c -myc gene is a potent inducer of apoptosis , in addition to its established role in mitogenesis .
8 We have shown that the initial stages of T-cell development require the support both of MHC class II + epithelial cells and of fibroblasts in the thymic stroma .
9 In addition , we have shown that the physiological measurement of hypoxaemia is significantly related to prognosis and to clinical signs .
10 We have shown that the combination of adenoidectomy with insertion of tubes provides immediate restoration of subjective hearing ability because of the tube ; longer term sustained resolution because of adenoidectomy ; and also a possible reduction in the need for subsequent insertions of new tubes .
11 Using this technique , we have shown that the α-truncated RNA polymerases do recognize strong promoters with the same hierarchy as wild-type enzyme , albeit with a somewhat lower affinity .
12 In particular , we have shown that the effect of context on word identification is different .
13 Neurogenetics : We have shown that the transcription factors controlling housekeeping gene expression are different in different tissue types and have identified novel binding sites in neuronal tissues .
14 We have shown that the abnormalities of oesophageal motor function in patients with reflux oesophagitis do not improve after complete healing of oesophagitis .
15 In conclusion , we have shown that the enteral administration of adsorbents is effective in treating systemic endotoxaemia in an experimental model of colitis .
16 We have shown that the EGF antibody used in this study binds reliably to EGF peptide as reported by other workers .
17 We have shown that the % PV flow in all the patients with PVO was 8.6% with a range of 1 to 30% , indicating that blood flow to the liver may become almost entirely dependant upon the hepatic artery .
18 We have shown that the fall in breakfast time UAO is a reliable predictor of gastric acid secretion in adult populations with a high prevalence of achlorhydric subjects .
19 We have shown that the overall ascitic plasminogen activator activity is largely determined by a balance of tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 .
20 We have shown that the colon provides a suitable site for small bowel mucosal autografts .
21 Therefore , in the present study we have shown that the total length of the oesophagus , measured by the location of the distal end of the lower oesophageal sphincter is similar in all patients , but the squamous columnar junction extends more proximally parallel to the increasing severity of the endoscopic oesophagitis .
22 We have shown that the serum pepsinogen-I : -II ratio is significantly lower in H pylori positive subjects than in uninfected persons .
23 Furthermore , for Sp1 , we have shown that the kinase has a strong preference for DNA-bound substrate , due to the fact that efficient phosphorylation only takes place when the kinase and Sp1 are bound in cis on the same DNA molecule ( 4 , 11 ) .
24 We have shown that the DNA-PK phosphorylates c-Jun more efficiently when both proteins are bound to DNA .
25 They have shown that the gap between the different communities is smaller than Mr Torode would have us believe , and it is bridgeable .
26 Because they have shown that the Devil of the New Testament is influenced by sources other than the Old Testament they seem to think that this somehow undercuts the authenticity of the Christian Evil One .
27 Previous studies have not investigated the role of population mixing in the Dounreay-Thurso area , though they have shown that the excess of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma there can not be attributed to paternal nuclear employment or irradiation before the child 's conception .
28 This interpretation of Thompson 's findings has been further strengthened by the results of his most recent studies in which he has shown that the engram can be ‘ forgotten ’ and ‘ retrieved ’ .
29 In laboratory experiments he has shown that the electrical field of the human entity can affect the contents of the vapour .
30 By mapping the changes during the evolution of viruses , he has shown that the threshold varies in different codon positions and in different genes .
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