Example sentences of "[pers pn] have returned [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd all gone to bed the night before when I 'd returned from a last noggin with Harry .
2 I had returned to a very different Air Force indeed .
3 For the last seasonal design in this series of ‘ Countryside Celebration ’ , I have returned to the woodlands .
4 I have returned from the toughest trial that I have ever seen I he had already been wounded , for the third time , near Douaumont on February 25th ] — four days and four nights — ninety-six hours — the last two days soaked in icy mud — under terrible bombardment , without any shelter other than the narrowness of the trench , which even seemed to be too wide ; not a hole , not a dugout , nothing , nothing .
5 This will be wonderful in the bookshops as she has returned to the ghost story , and although it is reputed not to be as good as The Woman in Black , its sales are going to be .
6 When she 'd returned to the office I tried to get on with the writing but could n't concentrate .
7 Two weeks on perfect sand in sunshine nine to five ; she 'd returned with an all-over tan feeling wonderful and hey presto , head over heels in love with Astrid !
8 After she 'd returned with the coffee shop order and sorted out everybody 's change , Josie said to her , ‘ Take a seat in the chair . ’
9 She had returned to the window and was watching me photograph the posters .
10 Joseph , over-hearing , said she had returned to the Jonquil .
11 As soon as the ice broke on the lake she had returned to the Lodge with an appetite for work , for solitude .
12 It was n't until she had returned to the lounge after washing-up that she had discovered that the door of the glass display cabinet was swinging open .
13 I asked , when we had returned to the main road .
14 We had returned to the land without a name — the lost paradise of childhood .
15 Later on when we had returned to the daylight offensive with the 8th Air Force , escorted by hundreds of fighters , could we go searching for oil .
16 At the hotel , Salah greeted us as if we had returned from the dead , pumping our hands and laughing , " Crazy English , crazy English . "
17 Since the early 1980s , the receipts from direct taxes on income have fluctuated around an average figure some 10% above those from indirect taxes on expenditure ; we have returned to the broad pattern of the 1950s and 1960s .
18 Is not one reason for the remarkable increase in the number of young people in training — from 6,000 in 1979 to 260,000 today — the fact that we have returned to the common-sense recognition that vocational training is of considerable value and more closely reflects the abilities of many young people ?
19 Then they 'd returned to the stable and George had got back to the House about midnight .
20 They had returned on the late theatre train , and it had been most pleasant walking down from the railway station and along the seafront so late at night ; ah , to have a pretty girl by one 's side , and the touch of her lips on yours .
21 It was as though they had returned to the relationship there had been between them on Ridgery Butts when he had taught her to use the bow , and encouraged her with gentle praise .
22 It was only after they had returned to the living room that she asked the question as she poured tea .
23 As far as Comfort knew , they had returned to the States for the duration , although in fact they had been in London for part of the time , working for the Free French , and back in France for most of the rest .
24 They had returned to the Operations Room , where Bernice was surprised to hear Ace 's voice — as far as anyone knew she was recovering with the rest of her party on Moloch — and even more surprised to hear it raised in anger and directed at — of all people — the Doctor .
25 After they had returned to the office there was a phone call to say that the trap had been sprung , the bait removed and a note left in the empty trap : ‘ Thanks for the tasty morsels — Top Cat ! ’
26 He has returned to the Players ' Championship and the New Orleans tournament after a six-week lay-off with eight rounds in which he has not been over par and has been under five times .
27 Since then he has returned to the Hollywood fold in a big way , starring in numerous films and directing Colors .
28 In fact ( unknown to her ) , he has returned in a Cadillac , wearing a cowboy hat of purest white , and having made his fortune as promised .
29 NATIONAL Westminster 's American banking subsidiary yesterday announced it has returned to the black after two years of heavy losses , writes Jonathan Confino in New York .
30 The attack begins with a side kick of the rear foot , which , when it has returned to the ground , is immediately followed by a back kick with the left foot .
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