Example sentences of "[pers pn] have spent some time " in BNC.

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1 I had spent some time on a camping/cycling holiday with my family in the West country .
2 It was very different from when , during my student days , I had spent some time in the specialised wards of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases at St Pancras , where patients were treated for cholera , yellow fever , elephantiasis , malaria , leprosy , encephalitis lethargica , and a dozen other diseases that might have originated in the tropics .
3 I 've spent some time in the Far East . ’
4 Through Michael Jaffé I 've spent some time at the Hamilton Kerr conservation centre near Cambridge .
5 I have spent some time in the United States , ’ he explained .
6 Finally , the concern with manipulation means that postclassical criminology is correctionalist , as were its classical and positivist predecessors ; that is why I have spent some time , in Chapter 3 , countering anti-correctionalist arguments .
7 I have spent some time strolling awestruck inside Luci Arrighi 's magnificent , painstaking re-construction of the tunnel .
8 And you 've spent some time doing this , do n't you , Adam ?
9 She had spent some time after breakfast standing on her balcony and looking out towards the mountains .
10 Owen loved the bustle of the bazaars , of the whole native city , in fact ; but after you had spent some time in them , especially when it was as hot as this , you felt an overwhelming need for space and air , and after forcing their way through the blocked thoroughfares of the Tentmakers ' Bazaar they were glad to emerge into the more open streets .
11 He had , in fact , just left me on a bench in a nearby park where we had spent some time together before he decided to go for a stroll .
12 We have spent some time on the preliminaries , particularly the notation , because notation is essential for communication and because it is often neglected as a stage in attacking a problem .
13 To be fair , he had spent some time in the cities of North Africa and , as one might do in similar urban areas of Britain , he had met the worst of the indigenous population .
14 ‘ Do stop worrying , ’ Lili ordered him , after he had spent some time fulminating against the iniquities of the gallery owner .
15 It is uncertain what weight can be placed on the evidence of a medieval Welsh triad which refers to Eadwine as nurtured in Môn ( Anglesey ) , implying that he had spent some time — perhaps while in exile — on the island , but set into the earliest surviving Welsh tradition is the memory of armed conflict between Eadwine and Cadwallon .
16 Dippy Martin had not seen anyone but he had spent some time at the top of the lane .
17 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
18 One said he had spent some time in South Africa : ‘ The whites used their Bible to do down the black people . ’
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