Example sentences of "[pers pn] have been worried [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had been worried about the vodka .
2 Of course , I 've been worried about Ian , and the way you and he — ’
3 I 've been worried about you . ’
4 I 've been worried to death over you ’ , I says , ‘ wondering where you was ’ .
5 I 've been worried to death .
6 I 've been worried to death !
7 Your uncle and I have been worried to death !
8 The only thing she 'd been worried about was Jake finding out .
9 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
10 Yes , she 'd been worried about Nicolo 's intentions , but he 'd gone out of his way to tell her — to show her — that he was n't the least bit interested in her as a woman .
11 She had been worried for a bit but now she was certain .
12 ‘ We 'll need wood for a fire , ’ returned Isabel with aplomb , not about to admit that she had been worried about him .
13 She admits she had been worried about the consequences ever since even though hospital scans seemed to show everything was all right .
14 We 've been worried for years about their tendency to see Britain as a soft market in which to make a killing . ’
15 We 've been worried about you .
16 Cos they 've been worried with the press in the hospital .
17 How absurd it seemed — that they had been worried about Therese in Zarewitsch .
18 For almost two months he 'd been worried for his son .
19 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , again , as though it were the most reasonable thing in the world , but she saw that her mother looked worried , and that doubtless Papa was behaving as he did because he had been worried about her , his darling , whom he had sent away from him , only to lose her in a foreign country — for that was what Britain was .
20 He 's been worried by the deer-raiding that 's been going on .
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