Example sentences of "[pers pn] have argue that the " in BNC.

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1 I have argued that the ability of like to beget like is the most fundamental characteristic of life .
2 I have already argued in this chapter ( p. 79 ) that the rat 's level of arousal can help determine the vigour of the OR ; and , theoretically more important , in this and in previous chapters I have argued that the decline of this investigatory response represents the operation of a process of habituation .
3 Elsewhere I have argued that the whole fabric of a primary school curriculum in a socialist state like Tanzania will differ from that in a capitalist state like Kenya , for the different philosophies will affect not only selection of syllabus content but also languages of instruction , policy towards competition and examinations , links between school and community and above all the attitudes which teachers foster in the learners .
4 I have argued that the individualist case is far from being closed ; but why do its exponents not see this for themselves ?
5 Once we recognise that holists and individualists are pursuing separate interests , it becomes clear that we need a scheme which will accommodate them both , and I have argued that the Annales school offers us the seeds of such an approach .
6 I have argued that the movement mobilized within and by the English Association drew its energy and force from the apparent capacity of " English " as a novel cultural form to resolve a number of problems posed for the functioning of national institutions between 1880 and 1920 .
7 Earlier in this article I have argued that the initial debates and policies which emerged in the wake of the growing black presence were characterized by various forms of cultural and ethnic essentialism or reductionism and that this still persists , for example , in the way ethnic monitoring and other official know ledges are produced .
8 In this section , I have argued that the inductivist is wrong on two counts .
9 I have argued that the limits of sovereignty are contained in the courts ' central commitment to representative democracy : a purported statute which attempted to subvert democracy could derive no legal authority from the doctrine .
10 I HAVE argued that the exposure of the Federalist position at Maastricht was an event of the utmost historical significance .
11 Throughout this chapter I have argued that the most productive way of maintaining good control is through the content of the drama itself .
12 You 've argued that the very fact of E two will result in tight boundaries around rural settlements .
13 Although we have argued that the patent vein metasomatism observed in the Bultfontein peridotites represents a discrete , short-lived episode corresponding to the eruption of the Cretaceous group I kimberlites , we emphasize that alkaline volcanism on the Kaapvaal craton has occurred periodically since the Archaean era .
14 We have argued that the law must be studied as part of the political process .
15 In doing so we have argued that the processes involved in word recognition are rather different for spoken and printed words .
16 They had argued that the new ideas about space and motion had arisen from an intellectual and , to a much lesser extent , empirical critique of the preceding , largely Anstotelian , notions .
17 First , they have argued that the gradual increase in peasant investment and in levels of consumption both of food and consumer goods in the countryside suggests that , abjectly poor though many were , on average peasant living standards may have been rising rather than falling in the decades immediately prior to the revolution of 1905 .
18 On the same grounds they have argued that the taxation burden borne by peasants before 1905 has been much exaggerated .
19 They have argued that the ‘ contradictions ’ between Israel and Arab states have for many years frustrated the attempts of American strategists to construct an alliance between Israel and the more conservative Arab states .
20 They have argued that the junction could be altered to remove the need for the new road .
21 It has argued that the physical environment is the foundation on which this creation is based , but in a non-deterministic fashion : the environment provides opportunities and constraints , which are resources that may be realized in different ways by different social groups in different places .
22 He had argued that the prints were not improperly taken but it was said that his possession must have originated in breach of trust , confidence or contract and , therefore , an injunction was granted preventing the exhibition .
23 There 's a very strong religious tinge er er to this and it 's argued that the holy alliance is perhaps an expression of of a significant religious revival that 's going on erm in Europe in the early nineteenth century .
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