Example sentences of "[pers pn] be widely [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 ( Such a theory involved denying the claims of James 's son , but doubts had been raised as to whether the Queen had really conceived the child , it being widely believed that the baby had been smuggled into the bed-chamber in a warming-pan . )
2 They were also admired for their military prowess , it being widely assumed that before the arrival of the British the Masai had been paramount among the tribes of East Africa ; they were ‘ aristocrats and formerly conquered east central Africa ’ .
3 There 's been plenty of speculation about what will be cut and what will be taxed , but it 's widely expected that there 'll be a big increase in the scope of VAT .
4 It is widely assumed that Elders will not bother to hold on to any Scottish shares and its 23.7 per cent stake will be acquired and used as the springboard for a bid .
5 Because the economy is in recession , it is widely assumed that the government will and should cut interest rates .
6 It is widely assumed that the general , who has been doing his best to fan the speculation , will try to become prime minister after he leaves the army .
7 These days , it is widely assumed that monitoring of firms by close , caring banks is a better way to run things than the arms-length institutional ownership of America and Britain .
8 It is widely assumed that ‘ real ’ country people are in favour of development as a source of new jobs and housing while the rich commuter is only concerned to protect his equity and a style of living which has never been available to the locals .
9 It is widely assumed that the more efficiently a stock market functions the better off everyone is .
10 This attitude to non-verbal communication has been encouraged by the popularisation of right-brain left-brain studies and amongst those who sponsor the soft primitivism that I have just referred to it is widely assumed that the verbal capabilities of the left cerebral hemisphere have been over-developed by a culture which puts too much emphasis on linguistic finesse and that the expressive repertoire of the supposedly holistic right hemisphere has been dangerously neglected as a consequence .
11 It is widely assumed that restoration of intestinal continuity inevitably results in a better quality of life for the patient , but that is not necessarily the case .
12 It is widely assumed that different ICUs can be compared by the ratio of actual mortality to that predicted by the APACHE score .
13 It is widely assumed that these scoring systems can be used for comparisons .
14 It is widely assumed that the Bundesbank council will effect a 50 basic points cut in official rates at either the meeting this Thursday or on 1 April .
15 It is widely acknowledged that the school examination system has exerted a powerful controlling effect on school curricula , even if , in more recent times , CSE ( Mode 3 ) has allowed schools to play a significant role on the assessment of their own pupils .
16 It is widely acknowledged that about one in ten of us has a marked tendency to homosexuality and perhaps half this group have homosexual experience as adults ( homosexual feeling and experiment are even more common in adolescence ) .
17 All posts are subject to the local government superannuation scheme and it is widely acknowledged that this is one of the most attractive schemes offered anywhere .
18 Former Irish international Dr Geraldine Barniville from Dublin has been nominated as the new president but it is understood that Ulster 's Billy Bell and Paddy McAuley the outgoing treasurer and secretary will not be standing for election. , It is widely acknowledged that Paddy McIlroy , past president of Ulster , and the outgoing Irish vice-president , made a major contribution in drafting the new constitution and by-laws .
19 It is widely believed that Mr Holmes a Court , the so called Perth predator , is keen to buy Dalgety 's extensive Australian land interests .
20 On the other side , it is widely believed that Kerr 's ambitions are backed by money belonging to Jack Gillespie , a director of Rangers .
21 Whether the life sentence is regarded as a sufficient denunciation in society depends on the public 's perception of what life imprisonment means : if it is widely believed that it results in an average of nine years ' imprisonment , the effect will be somewhat blunted .
22 It is widely believed that as Down 's Syndrome is a specifically identifiable handicap with which babies are born , the possible change in their intellectual abilities will be either small or non-existent .
23 It is widely believed that the mines also produced gold which was used in the crowns of Scotland 's kings .
24 As Ives ( 1987 ) has discussed , it is widely believed that the situation in the Himalaya will reach crisis proportions by the turn of the century , affecting not only that region but also downstream and deltaic areas that are in receipt of drainage from the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers .
25 Because the level of transactions was so high ahead of the slump in house prices , it is widely believed that there is a substantial number of homeowners waiting to sell when prices do start to recover .
26 It is widely believed that the vast luminosity ( up to 10 45 ergs -1 ) arising from a very compact volume ( a light-year or less ) in quasars and Seyfert galaxies are powered by black holes with masses of the order of 10 9 M and ; , and that such black holes should reside in the nuclei of many , perhaps most galaxies as luminous as the Milky Way .
27 Although it is widely believed that the Spanish encountered an almost pristine landscape in AD 1521 ( refs 1–3 ) , some archival and palaeolimnological studies have suggested that extensive land clearance began before European contact , during the Preclassic to Postclassic periods .
28 It is widely believed that local competition and small populations mean that volume sales are not achievable in Scandinavia and the Benelux countries .
29 It is widely believed that the case presented by the police to the prosecutor and , through him , to court , consists purely of facts or evidence .
30 It is widely believed that people become less productive as they get older .
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