Example sentences of "[pers pn] be safe [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I think you have to sort of , lay your ground rules , I mean state your case , quite early on and it , I mean , you know , if , if you 're not good first thing in the morning , you know , you could tell someone you need three cups of coffee before you 're safe to approach or if erm , there 's a lazy slob who sort of lies on the sofa all day , you could throw the dishcloth at him , or erm , and also , I mean if it , if there are sort of badly behaved pets and , and children , erm , you know , just , just do n't invite them , and if that means your guest list is , is somewhat shorter then all to the good .
2 Er and I think we 're safe to say that you 're married and
3 Then , and only then , will it be safe to assert that Parliament is no longer sovereign ; and until then United Kingdom courts will be right to follow the well-marked paths , even if this does result in conflict between the constitutional laws of the United Kingdom and Europe .
4 For the Nineties , it 's safe to predict that the nostalgia boom has a few years left to run , that Neneh Cherry , Roland Gift and Terence Trent D'Arby will become as big as they want to be , and that Bobby Brown 's crafty commercialisation of rap , soul and a vast ego will give Wacko a run for his money quite soon .
5 Especially if , mind you , he might not be able to do anything , it 's like I say you you 've got your hot water and it 's probably a job he can do better in the week , one night as long as he says it 's safe to use and you 're not gon na blow the tank up on yourself !
6 It 's safe to say that every child in every culture will go through a period of saying that the pencil which has been moved up is now longer or bigger or big now .
7 It 's safe to say that in a few years time they will be playing Las Vegas . ’
8 The smell of a dead coral is not easily forgotten — if your leather coral 's odour makes you fee nauseous it 's safe to assume that it has departed this life , and to throw it out .
9 The Windows for Workgroups beta included software to permit a DOS machine to hook up to a Windows for Workgroups network , although only as a client , so it 's safe to assume that the same Workgroup Connection software will find its way into version 6 .
10 Sunil has shown me places in the club where the members rarely go and where , therefore , it 's safe to read or write or sleep as long as you wear your uniform and can pretend to be doing something vaguely official if someone comes in .
11 It is safe to conclude that at any stage of this planet 's history the world of bacteria has been overwhelmingly conditioned by the state of the biosphere .
12 All pipes connections are concealed within the length to give a neat appearance , and the surface temperature is much lower than the average radiator , so it is safe to touch and needs no bulky enclosures .
13 It is safe to say that the entire nation is filled with a believing trust in the Führer such as has never before existed to this extent .
14 It is safe to say that Emerson made a leap in earnings by joining McLaren .
15 In the realm of the print , however , it is safe to say that paper napkins and chewing gum wrappers occupy the lower depths ( though let's not forget that A. Hyatt Mayor , the legendary Curator of Prints at the Metropolitan , acquired torn-off New Yorker covers for the collection as well as Tiepolo etchings ) .
16 It is safe to say that Hans Haacke is the least likely of all artists ever to be commissioned to design a presidential memorial ( though one day he may himself be memorialised as founder of the Academy of Anti-Establishment Art ) .
17 It is safe to say that thousands of social workers are at the moment carrying such cases among their caseloads and are working on them : in some cases very efficiently , in others perhaps hampered somewhat by lack of understanding of the implications .
18 Trade , technical and professional magazines ; There are more magazines in this group than in the consumer group and it is safe to say that whatever the trade , profession or industry there will be a publication to deal with it .
19 It is safe to say that the traditional Marxist ‘ base and superstructure ’ is notable for its absence in Foucault , but it is less clear what he thinks is the role of economics in social and penal change .
20 Perhaps it is safe to say that the minimum requirements must be that the product runs on standard platforms while allowing data created within other environments to be imported and incorporated .
21 Be that as it may , it is safe to say that no matter which rules a karateka fights under , he will get a fair deal .
22 Precisely when this occurred can seldom be determined on any estates , because there are few series of complete manorial records , but it is safe to say that by the early fifteenth century the change had taken place widely on both lay and ecclesiastical lands , the latter being better documented over different parts of the country .
23 Finally it is safe to predict that in any catalogue there will be more information than art criticism .
24 It is safe to predict that many will find this task quite difficult .
25 It is safe to assume that these were prominent factors when Biggs was considered as a possible opponent for Mason who will go to his corner at the Royal Albert Hall in London tonight with a record of 31 professional victories , 30 inside the distance .
26 But it is safe to assume that the lack of technical evidence — no weapon connected to the murder has been found — and a valid motive will be cited .
27 People who are ‘ at risk ’ of having mentally handicapped children can be advised of this , and it is safe to assume that some may be deterred from proceeding to have a child .
28 For many situations which you will face as a manager it is safe to assume that your audience may only have time to grasp perhaps just three ideas .
29 Where the second baseline shows a significant improvement over the first it is safe to assume that all is well .
30 Since some of those are probably from the same people , it is safe to assume that the aviation user base of Skymaster runs into the low hundreds .
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