Example sentences of "[pers pn] be sorry [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I am sorry to be awkward , but I think you will see that these questions must be answered and if we are going to take extreme positions then we would have to do double the home work that the people do who do n't want to .
2 ‘ It 's a business move and I am sorry to be leaving French rugby as it has been going well , ’ said Andrew .
3 I am sorry to be holding you up .
4 It is a lovely play and I am sorry to be leaving , but this is a very strenuous role , and what I am doing is perfectly normal .
5 However , the major problem , and you Ma'am have already touched upon this as well as the Chairman and I am sorry to be repetitive but we do serve all yachtsmen , two and a half to three million of them whilst being financially supported by only sixty five thousand of them .
6 Erm there was I am sorry to be boring but there are all these action points from the previous meeting Oh yes I forgot the action points do you feel we have covered them .
7 I am sorry to be concerned , I do n't know what he wants to pour something down my throat and this is .
8 I 'm sorry to be pedantic Diana , but this is grammatically incorrect .
9 ‘ It 's your father , ’ Spencer said , ‘ I 'm sorry to be the one to tell you but you have to know , he is in financial difficulties . ’
10 I 'm sorry to be so much trouble , ’ Jim said to Mother as the men carried him in .
11 I 'm sorry to be here like this but I could n't get through to anyone .
12 ‘ Chairman — the first off the mark was Guy Husband from Six ‘ — I 'm sorry to be singing the school song so early , but the Meeting Notice was classified merely as ‘ Secret , .
13 I 'm sorry to be a disappointment .
14 I 'm sorry to be late .
15 I 'm sorry to be such a nuisance .
16 I 'm sorry to be so much trouble . ’
17 I 'm sorry about being in a mood Saturday but I was n't really in a mood with you .
18 I 'm sorry about being in a mood on Saturday but I was n't really in a mood with you .
19 I 'm sorry for being nosey .
20 The Economist that bastion of left wing thinking commissioned an actuary to estimate the likely number of vacancies during a parliament ten point seven three sorry to be precise about this colleagues Tory MPs can be expected to die over a full five year term , I 'm sorry for being morbid .
21 I 'd liked her until the money lending began , and I was sorry for being unkind to her .
22 Clarissa opened her door and said she was sorry for being so hopeless on the telephone .
23 We are sorry to be negative but , quite simply , we just do n't trust you , or rather we do n't think that you yet trust yourself to know exactly what 4oz ( 115g ) of lean meat , 6oz ( 170g ) of fish , 2oz ( 55g ) of carrots , or 4oz ( 115g ) peas really look like .
24 Club secretary John Ritchie , who is also the Northern League 's registration secretary said : ‘ We 're sorry to be losing Vic , but the man has been doing the job since December and not received a penny .
25 He breathes , digests , lifts an arm , takes the next step , without thinking how to do it , and if bad health forces him to analyse and choose in such peripheral matters he is sorry to be distracted from his central concerns .
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