Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adv] sort of " in BNC.

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31 We 've got well under way with the job , she 's very white , sh you can imagine why , she 's feeling very you know she 's very sort of edgy as you move things out and she 's deciding what to move .
32 And I mean she 's so sort of closed about everything really , I mean he 's not the sort of you know
33 Marie 's face is real white and she 's still sort of staring like she do n't know what 's going on .
34 and then when she got it she was just sort of oh I 'm buying a house
35 Yeah , she was just sort of coming down the stairs yeah it 's alright , you know , had a word with her
36 in relation to er adjustices erm we can not support the Liberal Democrats er motions in relation to er , to T five , Mrs 's is , is right in saying our representatives of , of Hertfordshire who represent her own who represent erm Hertfordshire , we are also sort of citizens of the United Kingdom and not to afternoon we , er what ever it is now .
37 And er we can get by on lots of things and when an emergency does come , sometimes we can cope with it if it 's not too big a one , but other times it can catch up with us , simply because we are only sort of half awake so the purpose of the talk today is to try and help us all to see various ways in which we can stay awake in the truth physic er , er spiritually speaking .
38 That 's really all we 're doing we 're just sort of counting how many would we have if we have twelve add twelve .
39 yeah yeah we were just , we 're just sort of moving a car length at a time were n't we ?
40 erm erm Brian calls us experts at the beginning of the programme erm everyone listening knows we ca n't all be experts of course on all these things , we 're just sort of amateurishly trying to be sensible on these questions .
41 We 're more sort of settled down , matured more , I think .
42 And er we 're now sort of waiting to get serious enough .
43 Alright , I mean , we were just sort of thinking well sort of four o'clock was n't she , she was starting to come out to Che she came out with Cheeky with us last night , but of course , that 's all gon na go again in n it , if it 's gon na be five o'clock ?
44 They 're just sort of painted on — you know , like black dots .
45 They 're just sort of relics of a time when people experimented with shapes and tried all kinds of different things ; these days instrument makers seem to have settled on making everything the same .
46 But I found at Herald and Post the actual reporters have only been meeting and I 've been sending all the erm all the paper work to Harlow and Bishop 's Stortford , but they 're just sort of the erm , the advertising people so erm , that 's why we 've not had anything in the papers .
47 I mean if they 're just sort of four foot things I mean it 's not you know I think .
48 Well , I think it 's like everything else , I think that er , with , with Lawrence being off they 're just sort of meeting everything as a crisis and getting , getting
49 Well yes Philip 's a student but they 're just sort of paying , it 's just rented sort of thing but erm
50 they 're just sort of shooting
51 But it seems to me like it 's passing the buck a bit in the way they 're just sort of taking responsibility
52 I I du n no I I I ca n't work out cos all of Dan 's girlfriends yeah Amber , Sonia and Honey most people have all said I do n't think she 's right for Dan and you know I ca n't I ca n't work out whether they actually think that or they 're just sort of saying that because he does n't talk to them as much or something , I do n't know .
53 Usually , couple of years and you get , you get erm a promotion , but there 's nothing , and the , the jobs that are coming up they 're erm they 're already sort of la allocated to people been given promotion .
54 So they 're effectively sort of grants and ye in , in that way .
55 Receive erm there are there are n't a lot of other words that do have C in well there are but they 're quite sort of awkward words like try deceive .
56 And do you know those advert features that they do in the States , they 're like sort of like half hour adverts , like they 're like shows but they 're like an advert
57 The they 're never sort of given feeble excuses , we are erm very truthful with them , i in order to make them understand that , you know , there are limitations erm within our jobs as well , cos a lot of people expect things , and erm you may promise them , well other people may promise them , and it 's not delivered then of course it 's sort of them and us , and we , we try to dispel that idea , it 's not them
58 and he 's having a punch up with his brother and he keeps letting his brother hit him he 's got this holographic image he , who accompanies him with this fucking computer , and working out what 's going on why they 're there sort of thing cos he goes back in into to different times to help these people out
59 I mean they 're very sort of vandal easy or whatever .
60 I 'm responsible for the sort of overall management , but I tend not to get out as much as say , Area Housing Officers , they 're more sort of at grass roots .
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