Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [noun] ahead [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to sound too flame-eyed and low-blink-rate about it — and , all right , I know I 'm a real simp in many areas — but I 'd say I was way ahead of Tod on this basic question of human difference .
2 Well by now I 'm sure you 're way ahead of me .
3 And you — you 're streets ahead of Hoomey — ’
4 you can leave anyway because erm we 're way ahead of them .
5 YET in the ratings they are streets ahead of the new teeny heroines .
6 They were years ahead of their rivals in the use of political consultants , computers , direct mailing systems and polling techniques .
7 ‘ I do n't remember them as students , but then they were years ahead of us .
8 Advance tapes suggest that it 's leagues ahead of the rather dull ‘ Thaw ’ Housefrau superstar LYDIA LUNCH meanwhile has been recording with pathological monsters OXBOW for their LP ‘ King Of The Jews ’ , which should be out in January when they 're set to return to the UK for another series of dates .
9 Advance tapes suggest that it 's leagues ahead of the rather dull ‘ Thaw ’ Housefrau superstar LYDIA LUNCH meanwhile has been recording with pathological monsters OXBOW for their LP ‘ King Of The Jews ’ , which should be out in January when they 're set to return to the UK for another series of dates .
10 It is streets ahead of the cobbled-together old model .
11 ‘ He has a cult following among our supporters , and he deserves it because he is streets ahead of any left-back in our division , ’ enthused Keegan .
12 He is years ahead of you , but he is there .
13 Proud Mr Fong , 46 , admitted : ‘ He 's way ahead of me at maths . ’
14 But this summer the crown should be his … he 's way ahead of the rest with just one race to go …
15 In 1986 , when Compaq launched the first PC using Intel 's powerful new 80386 chip , it was months ahead of its competitors .
16 Fogarty was left to move further and further ahead as Joey Dunlop took up the challenge , then Robert Dunlop made up ground rapidly after being seventh at the end of lap one , and by the end of the second lap it was Joey ahead of Robert to initiate a battle which continued until the end of the race when Robert just squeezed ahead .
17 He was way ahead of the rest of the field and battled on through the afternoon trying to win those valuable championship points .
18 But he was a brilliant man he was years ahead of his time really .
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