Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adv] [adv] before " in BNC.

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1 You are almost back before you left . ’
2 Like I say , she 's sleeping well now , and she 's often up before I even wake up .
3 He knew she was there long before he saw her .
4 I count it a double honour to represent Framlingham this afternoon and to offer you a welcome back , a welcome into our homes which we look forward to seeing you on Saturday and we are so thrilled to think that so many of you have made the journey back to visit us and I echo the sentiments of another speaker , do n't let it be so long before you come again .
5 As you will see in the final reading from Gowie Corby Plays Chicken nobody w ill put up with Gowie 's cruel jokes for ever and it 's not long before people 's patience with him runs out .
6 It 's not long before he 's trying to explain the telepathic communities that will flourish after the apocalypse to me and offering this example : ‘ It 's like when you fancy someone , and you know you 're going to go with that person .
7 School is something Sophie 's been looking forward to for ages , and it 's not long before she 's settled in .
8 The games start around 11am and it 's usually 5pm before the finals are under way .
9 But he soon wins you over , and it is not long before you start feeling that his casual manner conveys Higgins 's narcissism to a well-pronounced T.
10 Once maintenance ceases , it is not long before the roof starts to leak , the plasterwork or the ceiling to become stained and damaged , and dry rot to take hold .
11 IT IS not long before anyone interested in wildlife photography discovers that behind every good picture lies a fairly heavy investment in film ( to allow for the shots that did not work ) and a nigh on infinite amount of both time and patience .
12 It is not long before the pictures deal with activities as well as objects : having a bath , going shopping , a visit to the clinic , and walking in the streets and in the country .
13 It is not long before the complaints start .
14 From a herb border to a complete herb garden is not a very long step , and once the initial interest has been started with the planting of single plants here and there in the garden , it is not long before friends are giving one new species , other varieties are discovered at garden centres , and catalogues are found to list even more .
15 It is not long before their imaginative faculties are reactivated and word-processing becomes a universal withdrawal symptom .
16 It is not long before Frank is causing havoc in his new neighbourhood .
17 After all , we may be learning as we go along but it is n't long before we discover that not everybody has a sylph-like waist or arms that with a little stretch will trail along the floor !
18 For one reason or another , either it is too long before the courts are available to try the cases , or the lawyers appear to require too much time to prepare the defence .
19 It was n't long before the guard came to see us .
20 It was n't long before Kathleen rang .
21 It was n't long before I had my first bite which was a 3 lb 7 oz chub .
22 It was n't long before Hermione left Feathers , leaving just David and John Hutchinson .
23 It was n't long before we realised there were many other talents around who wanted to be part of it .
24 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
25 However , the atmosphere was so friendly and relaxed that it was n't long before we made lots of friends and , spurred on by the Animation Team , joined in the occasional game of volleyball or tennis — you can hire racquets and even have expert tuition if you want to improve on your technique .
26 She knew she was good , and it was n't long before she privately concluded that she was better than most of her colleagues — more enthusiastic , more energetic , more productive .
27 Although the pharmacist seemed to have some trouble deciphering the prescription , and Henry had to go through a nerve-wracking pantomime of ignorance about the nature of the chemicals he required , it was n't long before he was standing once again on the doorstep of 54 Maple Drive .
28 Without an audience , but with a very hungry tummy , it was n't long before Suzy began to eat properly .
29 It was n't long before a steady stream of pine-needles was flowing down behind her like water from a leaking gāgro .
30 Of course , it was n't long before she was rumbled , so she packed up and returned to Scotland , taking me with her .
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