Example sentences of "[pers pn] want [prep] be free " in BNC.

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1 It is just that I want to be free . ’
2 I want to be free of pain . ’
3 I want to be free — do n't you understand that ?
4 ‘ Ely , ’ I said ( that was her name and the first time I 'd ever used it ) , ‘ I want to be free . ’
5 I 'm gon na do that I want to be free .
6 Designing clothes for Carnega was all very well and I made a good living at it I wo n't deny but I wanted to be free to do my own thing — and to have my own name on the labels .
7 Well I 'm freer to do , I mean I , I got , I wanted to be free because I was getting tied up with that and I was getting tied up with persons , but not agreeing everything
8 ‘ There was a night a few weeks past , when I was ill , when my spirit left my body and I wanted to be free for ever .
9 ‘ Perhaps you were the sun for your little dragon ; and now she is strong enough , she wants to be free . ’
10 She said she wanted to be free , to finish her training , she was afraid of being tied down .
11 She wanted to be free to do her own thing — be independent — get a job , perhaps .
12 He wanted to be free .
13 He wanted to be free — of all constraints , all material imperatives , of all the forces hunting him and the opportunities drawing him on .
14 They seemed in total harmony , but then one of them wanted to be free .
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