Example sentences of "[pers pn] should be left to " in BNC.

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1 They should be left to the knowledge workers who , we would hope , understand the full potential value of the information being transmitted to the executives who will make use of that information .
2 They should be left to the collectors of Munros .
3 It should be left to individuals to decide when to retire … .
4 Edward Pearce holding forth , telling us no one should get involved in politics but Edward Pearce — that it should be left to the ‘ experts ’ .
5 The last straw was when a totally serious Westite Unionist remarked that , as it was a shooting matter , he recommended that it should be left to the army to investigate as it had a lot of experience of shootings of one kind and another .
6 So I think it should be left to the individual …
7 It is further submitted that , as Parliament has intervened by the Act of 1976 in the matter of pre-natal injuries to unborn children , it should be left to Parliament to effect any further change in the law that may be thought necessary or to develop the law from where it was left by the Divisional Court in Ireland in Walker 's case .
8 To the disappointment of the Law Society and the Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee , the Lord Chancellor declined to fund a full-time secretariat , claiming that it should be left to local or charitable sources .
9 It suggested that submission obtained by threats other than of violence might suffice for rape and held that it should be left to the jury , with adequate direction from the judge , to make up its mind whether or not on the facts of each case the woman had truly consented .
10 There is a small minority who abuse the Ridgeway , but it should be left to us to disuade them .
11 But foxhunters say it should be left to the council 's tenant farmers to decide .
12 Thank you er , Gillian Shepherd told other E C Ministers that she and virtually every employer 's organization in Europe remained strongly opposed to the proposals and said it should be left to companies at local level to council workers .
13 No one suggests he should be left to the mercy of mad killers , but if he 's really on the run he should be sheltering in some safe house , not bopping around town .
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