Example sentences of "[pers pn] drove [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Breathing a sigh of relief , I drove over to the local airfield and arranged for the flight to take place a week earlier , just in case .
2 A sudden misery enveloped me as I drove over to the gate leading into the field .
3 So a male companion and I drove up to the starting point in Glen Lyon , a few miles east of Bridge of Balgie where a bridge crosses the River Lyon to a cattle farm .
4 With my finances stretched to the limit because I had committed myself to spending all of that May in the Highlands , I drove back to the pub in Glenelg to consider it .
5 After three laps , I drove back to the pits sweating and embarrassed .
6 As Princess Flavia and I drove back to the palace in an open car , one man in the crowd called out , ‘ When 's the wedding ? ’
7 Shortly after a private reading with ‘ Bartholomew ’ in Taos , New Mexico , I drove down to the nearby Rio Grande .
8 One night — a Friday — I drove down to the Bois de Boulogne .
9 One Friday evening , I drove down to the lovely old house , Ramster , near Chiddingfold , where artist Mr Paul Gunn and his charming wife Miranda had invited friends to the first night of an exhibition of Paul Gunn 's most recent landscapes , and to drinks and supper .
10 Denis and I drove in to the theatre .
11 ‘ The next day , ’ says Futch , ‘ I drove out to the course , which was covered in snow , to find Riddick chugging along on his own .
12 One misty autumn morning I drove out to the monastery for a look , crunching along lanes covered in empty chestnut husks , which are already an indication of Benedictines ahead , since Benedictines always plant chestnut trees by their buildings .
13 One day , she drove on to a roundabout , and could not figure out which exit to take .
14 She tried to cheer up as she drove on to the ferry because — having caved in instantly and completely when Cara had asked ‘ Would you let me down — now ? ’ she had ensured that Cara could fly to Barney certain of one thing , if nothing else : that , her word given , she would not let her down .
15 The thoughts tumbled confusedly together as she drove back to the Hamiltons ' in the small car they had put at her disposal .
16 Over a cup of tea she regaled the old lady with the story of her son and grandchild saving the wounded squirrel , and , leaving her to pass it on to her companions , she drove back to the surgery .
17 As requested by Mrs Johnson of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals , she drove out to the library , with the intention of asking the chief librarian for information about Ben MacLean , but when she arrived he had gone out for morning coffee .
18 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
19 We drove on to the rave and left her walking , thumbing a lift . ’
20 Finally we drove up to the Clonmacnoise ruins .
21 My rose-growing Surrey headmaster ( by now retired ) came to Banbury for a weekend , and as we drove off to the Cotswolds he tried to persuade me that the implication of all this was that secondary schools would no longer be a worthwhile place for teachers with academic interests : all the good work would hereafter be done within an inflated system of higher education .
22 As we drove back to the airport Smith said that at the end of the war he had been executive officer at a naval air base in California , and that one of the officers there had been a certain Lieutenant Richard Milhous Nixon .
23 I enquired , as we drove down to the shrine .
24 As they drove up to the house Constance thought that it looked very dark and silent .
25 They drove up to the crossroads at the centre of the town .
26 As they drove up to the main door Louise tried not to be emotional .
27 They drove out to a delightful restaurant , and Alyssia made a pig of herself .
28 They drove off to the police station and later returned to the pub with two officers .
29 They drove back to the Hall , and Diane grilled a beefburger for Jed and put it on a bun .
30 They drove back to the house in absolute silence .
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