Example sentences of "[pers pn] considered [prep] be the " in BNC.

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1 I mean the focus of the plan and the way we 've approached erm trying to identify the appropriate level of of land takes into account all that we considered to be the needs of the local economy .
2 The clergy had informed the people 's conscience on the basis of what they considered to be the essential religious interests of their flock .
3 As was suggested earlier , the arguments put forward both by reformers and their opponents were closely tied to what they considered to be the especially ‘ sensitive ’ position of the ‘ young ’ in modern Britain .
4 Now the leading Republican spokesmen on foreign policy , Senator Vandenberg and John Foster Dulles , became openly critical of the administration for being too soft on what they considered to be the threat from Russia .
5 His unpopularity with the more high-principled of the English derived from the same qualities , for he indulged or encouraged what they considered to be the king 's lechery and laziness .
6 Others opposed what they considered to be the " insultingly low " compensation package offered by the USA .
7 The right-wing , ultra-nationalist Tehiya and Moledet parties resigned from the ruling Likud-led coalition on Jan. 19 , in protest at what they considered to be the start of autonomy negotiations with the Palestinians during the recent round of Middle East peace talks in Washington [ see this page ] .
8 ‘ It is entirely up to the local education authority to decide what it considered to be the child 's needs , ’ the judge said .
9 In 1969 , the World Health Assembly decided to abandon the aim of eradication in favour of what it considered to be the more realistic one of control to a level manageable by the existing public health services .
10 It therefore asserted what it considered to be the position at which the public/private distinction should be fixed , a position which would allow prostitution to be effectively a private matter as long as it was not conducted on the streets .
11 He specialised in collecting the work of four artists he considered to be the true Cubists , Picasso , Braque , Leger and Gris .
12 DAVID FEHERTY played what he considered to be the best golf of his life in the BMW tournament in Munich yesterday , thanks largely to a tip from a friend .
13 His hatred of the Empress , whom he never forgave for producing a male heir and thus depriving him of the succession to the throne , together with his inveterate hostility to what he considered to be the ‘ reactionary powers ’ , led him at times into very deep waters indeed .
14 Burn said that immediately after the assessors were appointed he proposed that each judge should examine the schemes separately and indicate on them which he considered to be the best .
15 This was to be his most important contribution towards the new Foreign Office , but throughout the whole campaign , he unswervingly pursued what he considered to be the ideal solution to the problem .
16 Once more Bukharin dwelt upon what he considered to be the unique character of the Russian revolution : that it was a combination of workers revolution and peasant war , which implied the need for a long-term alliance between the two classes .
17 During the course of his argument Bukharin sketched out what he considered to be the three variants of the development of agriculture under capitalism , these were :
18 He used an external filter which he considered to be the best option , as it would be quiet , easy to maintain and would keep the water cleaner .
19 Following the organic method Spengler delineated what he considered to be the significant ideas and symbols of the spring , summer , autumn and winter phases of each culture .
20 It had always distressed him that the West and the Eastern bloc could both budget so generously for what he considered to be the evils of the nuclear industry while millions in the Third World were left wanting for food .
21 Jiminez de Arechaga , a member of the International Law Commission , identified what he considered to be the three crucial questions .
22 His depression had been caused at first by what he considered to be the disturbing condition of the victors after the war : he was uneasy about the foreign policy of both England and the United States , as well as about the intentions of Russia .
23 Mr Finlay 's main concern about bookshop events was what he considered to be the unequal sharing of costs .
24 Having turned his back on what he considered to be the sophistry , deception and compromise of bourgeois culture and bourgeois politics , in favour of the clarity and ideological certainty of what proved to be an unrealistic sectarian politics , force of circumstances compelled him after 1934 to engage in the compromising task of cooperative politics .
25 Professor Kellert used the results of his survey to identify what he considered to be the main animal characteristics that guided North American preferences .
26 In 1904 the Daily Mail published his campaign against what he considered to be the unjust imprisonment of Adolf Beck which , it was claimed , was partly responsible for the Criminal Appeal Act , 1907 .
27 Palmer subsequently became a member of the council of the Institution and in 1835 was elected one of the vice-presidents ; he was always very attached to the Institution , contributing several interesting papers and seldom failing to take part in the discussions which he considered to be the most valuable part of the meetings .
28 There can , however , be no doubt that Sulivan was devoted to what he considered to be the Company 's interests and to finding appropriate solutions to the unprecedented problems facing it .
29 Lukanov was apparently unhappy at what he considered to be the party 's failure to respond appropriately to the coup attempt in the Soviet Union .
30 Gould got what he considered to be the best out of Darwin and the Beagle : he had published a number of scientific papers on the exciting discoveries and new species contained in Darwin 's collection , and he had produced another important illustrated work .
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