Example sentences of "[pers pn] ended [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But no-one stocked the John Pearse and I ended up with the Levin .
2 I ended up with the same look as with the hot-air brushes , but it can only be used on dry hair .
3 As usual , the interesting people told me to piss off , and I ended up with the same old circle of publicity seekers . ’
4 I hit the central barrier and he went on about fifty yards while I ended up on the hard shoulder
5 I ended up on the front fucking wheels of a pushbike
6 My earlier studies of fish and birds were now extended to mammals and I ended up as the curator of the largest collection of mammalian species in the world — at the London Zoo .
7 I went round all the hospitals in Edinburgh and Leith all the doctors surgeries and there was nowhere and I ended up at the the women 's unit in Edinburgh City Chambers and I got help from the women 's unit and er from there we started a pressure group to get more literature to people , you know to get them into doctor 's surgeries so as they would know what to do , what to expect .
8 Eventually I ended up in the Sealink arrival lounge .
9 And then the whitewater caught me so I proned out and hung on — I was eaten up then I was spat out and then I was eaten up again and spat out again and the beach was right there , so I threw the board away and just rolled and rolled and tumbled , and I ended up in the river on the far side of the berm . ’
10 ‘ Colin Harvey bought Mike Newell for the start of my second season and I ended up in the reserves , with all the publicity and pressure that brought .
11 And I ended up in the erm my ended my career as the in , I was in charge of the stone , stone masonry office working for the funeral manager .
12 A drink was thrust into her hand and within five minutes she was being passed from group to group as though she were the prize exhibit ; asked numerous questions she did n't know how to or have time to answer ; told endless tales of this person or that person ; until eventually , somewhat bewildered , she ended up in the bar with someone called Patrick who began regaling her with tales of old Ireland .
13 Most of the Healthcare group asked if they could attend , and as Brenda says ‘ We ended up with the most romantic wedding you could wish for .
14 We ended up in the desert and we did not even see the same mirage .
15 Eventually we ended up in the basement .
16 When we finished the tour , we ended up in the same place and he comes back to me with the most beautiful guitar I 've ever seen — handcrafted in under a month !
17 We ended up in the bar opposite the gates of the camp .
18 That would be totally wrong and totally undemocratic and heaven help us if we ended back in the situation where we had a lady in number ten Downing Street who waved the hand bag at all and sundry without any thought at all for the democratic situation
19 They ended up down the mines . ’
20 There are only the smallest of delicately dropped clues as to how and why they ended up with the social skills of a herd of rhinos .
21 I think somebody had sort of started pricing them and then somebody else had probably took over and they ended up with the wrong price on but I did n't mind !
22 I thought to myself that , however far they had wandered , if they ended up in the body of Leonard Arthur Pike they must be really desperate .
23 But Belinda says they ended up in the far from deserted capital of Rarotonga .
24 They ended up in the George hotel , by then , the court heard , Mr pollard and his friends had drunk between twelve and sixteen pints of lager each .
25 and and one thing and another but er it I mean mi mine ended up with the Bradford and Bingley , I mean
26 And he ended up as the port captain for Cunard in New York .
27 He ended up in the village of Hampole near Doncaster , where he became the spiritual director of the local anchoress Margaret Kirkby , who lived a solitary life in a cell next to the Church , and the nuns of the enclosed Cistercian convent .
28 They are wrong in their views of righteousness , supposing Jesus to be a sinner like themselves — and worse because he ended up in the place of cursing on a cross ( cf.
29 He ended up in the bath which , in this house , is actually in the bathroom . ’
30 Instead , he ended up in the unfamiliar position of ninth with only 2.05 metres to his name after failing to get his five-stride training run-up in the groove .
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