Example sentences of "[pers pn] goes [prep] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 We used to pull his leg about this , asking him if he could remember which one it was tonight , and it goes without saving that the two girls were not even on nodding terms with each other .
2 It goes without saying that the definition has been responsible for a major literature .
3 It goes without saying that you must be quick , otherwise the opponent can turn the tables on you .
4 It goes without saying that you start with the bottom step , to prevent the concrete falling through to the one below .
5 It goes without saying that rare cars are more coveted than common ones — and rare convertibles are of blue-chip status .
6 It goes without saying that the Labour front bench supported all of the most reactionary arguments that could be found to oppose the management reforms .
7 In the climate of the Third Reich itself , it goes without saying that the barrage of Nazi propaganda could not be without effect in extending and deepening already prevalent anti-Semitic attitudes .
8 If a surveyor does his work badly it goes without saying that he can not expect to be paid for it , but usually the client will also wish to claim damages as financial compensation .
9 Historically it goes without saying that we have used all kinds of nature , and especially animals , for human benefit .
10 Despite these difficulties , it goes without saying that no book should be ordered unless the price is known .
11 It goes without saying that you should study it with the utmost care .
12 It goes without saying that testing of the urine for glucose and ketones should be mandatory for all patients admitted with infarction and this should be continually charted for those found to be diabetic .
13 It goes without saying that a beautiful piano was used for the recording , and that Haefliger communicates and obvious sense of joy in performing .
14 Of course it goes without saying that such openness should reveal sound policy decisions , and that is what we should have if a professional approach has been taken .
15 It goes without saying that he was deeply interested in Factota Limited — and in the girls themselves , of whom he had heard a great deal from Roger Kenyon , who was his friend .
16 It goes without saying that it would also be desirable to exclude from the unemployment figures those who are employed but are making fraudulent claims for unemployment benefit or supplementary benefits .
17 it goes without saying that our glasses were constantly refilled with red or white wine by the attentive waiters .
18 It goes without saying that such developments demand fundamental changes of attitude on behalf of drivers .
19 It goes without saying that we have an obligation to pray for a just , understanding and — dare I say I — compassionate solution to the situation .
20 Of course it goes without saying that the aquarium glass must always be perfectly clean for best results .
21 It goes without saying that in order to use a device for improvising ( such as scales , arpeggios , licks etc. ) one has to develop the particular device to such a level of fluency that physically playing it in any key or position has become almost instinctive , or second nature .
22 It goes without saying that the strap loops must be large enough to enable them to be cast off the hands quickly in any emergency .
23 It goes without saying that any original drawing for an illustration by an esteemed artist ( see frontispiece ) is likely to fetch a large sum .
24 It goes without saying that any infringements of these new restrictions will imperil what is already an extremely sensitive access agreement .
25 On second thoughts , it might be better to say that it goes without saying that linguistic communication is a matter of conveying ideas or thoughts .
26 It goes without saying that the museum now needs hard currency in order to add to its collection .
27 It goes without saying that almost invariably the instances of animal behaviour that we find ourselves discussing involve adult creatures .
28 It goes without saying that both sets of institutions have benefited enormously from this symbiosis : the former from its continued popularity and support and the latter from a continuous stream of royal copy which appears to ensure increased sales .
29 As it is inevitably the biggest , toughest Orcs that become more important it goes without saying that it is the big Orcs who get bigger !
30 It goes without saying that it is not £75,000 in respect of each but the total earnings ’ figure which must not exceed £75,000 .
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